
Delaware DMV Road Signs Test (DE) 2025

Road signs for the Delaware permit test and nothing else! Take this Delaware road signs practice test and be prepared, or be sorry!

  • 21 Questions
  • 76% Passing Score
  • 5 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 19 drivers

Delaware Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Delaware driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

The traffic sign identification test is a key part of the driver’s general knowledge exam. No learner can predict exactly which road signs will be addressed during the Delaware DMV test, so it is essential to ensure you are well-acquainted with all the signs listed in the driving manual. Use this Delaware DMV practice test signs quiz to measure your progress when you are ready to start learning about traffic signs. Featuring a great selection of real Delaware DMV signs test questions from general knowledge test papers, this free DMV practice test can show you what sort of material you will be faced with during the 2025 DMV written test. Work with the road signs test alongside the DMV manual and you will find it much easier to get through all the material it presents.

Unlike the real Delaware permit test, this road sign test can be re-taken as many times as you like, completely free of charge. It includes a total of 20 road sign test questions addressing regulatory signs, guide signs, work zone signs and warning signs. All questions will be presented alongside a short selection of possible DMV written test answers, of which only one is correct. During the Delaware DMV practice test, learners will be shown an image of a road sign and asked to choose the matching meaning from the multiple-choice list, or alternatively, asked to choose the sign to match a meaning. Whenever you get stuck, try using the Delaware DMV sign test study aids to help you figure out which answer you need. Clicking the ‘hint’ study aid will generate a clue about the road signs featured in the question, while clicking ‘50/50’ immediately removes half the incorrect permit test answers. The DMV signs practice test will award a passing grade when at least 16 correct answers are provided in a single round. There is no rush to hit this score, though you may get there sooner than you think thanks to the support provided by our study aids.

While the study of road signs in Delaware is essential, it is not the only thing you must focus on in the run-up to the DMV permit test. Beside road signs, the general knowledge exam addresses rules of the road, traffic signals, pavement markings and driving laws. There are no questions relating to these subjects on this dedicated Delaware DMV practice permit test, though you will not have to go very far to find what you need. Here on, we offer a complete course of Delaware DMV practice tests to accompany every chapter of the DMV manual. When you are ready to move on to a different drivers ed subject, try our introductory mixed-topic quiz. That DMV permit practice test works much like the quiz on this page, except it addresses a little of all the subjects you will be asked about during the DMV test.

If you want to know what signs are on the Delaware driving test, you will need to read the drivers manual thoroughly. Not all the road signs in the manual will be featured on the assessment, but all the signs which are featured can be found in the manual. Reading the study guide carefully is the only way to ensure you are ready for any DMV signs test Delaware questions that appear during the permit test. Alternate between reading the manual and working on this DMV practice test for Delaware drivers, to make your studies more interesting.