
Delaware DMV Road Signs Test Cheat Sheet 2025

Don't like playing by the rules? Now is your time! A Delaware DMV signs test cheat sheet with unlimited DMV test questions!

  • 30 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 6 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 2 drivers

Delaware Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Delaware driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

When you run out of Delaware driver’s manual questions and answers to challenge your road sign knowledge, this free DMV cheat sheet has you covered. As there are so many different types of road sign in use around the state of Delaware, it will take work with a wide variety of DMV sign test questions to throughout prepare you for the traffic sign identification test. Usually this involves working with dozens of different Delaware DMV practice tests, but fortunately for you, this permit test cheat sheet contains all the material you need. While built using genuine driving test questions and answers, the Delaware DMV cheat sheet has been programmed to let students ‘cheat’ whenever necessary. With our support features, you could cheat your way to the correct permit test answers throughout the entire DMV permit practice test.

While this Delaware permit test cheat sheet is the same length and uses the same pass requirement as the real DMV permit test, it only contains DMV questions and answers relating to road signs. This makes it the perfect tool to accompany the Delaware DMV signs test section of the drivers manual. Unlike any DMV signs practice test you will have previously encountered, our 2025 DMV cheat sheet can cover every warning sign, regulatory sign, guide signs and work zone sign you need to learn in the run up to the general knowledge assessment. If you are thinking that any quiz which makes this claim would have to be hundreds of questions long – think again. There are just 30 Delaware road signs test question on each round of this DMV written test cheat sheet, though these will not be the same questions each time you use it. Hitting the ‘start’ button prompts the Delaware DMV practice test to draw a random selection of road sign test questions from our database, which includes questions and answers covering all the study material in the DMV manual. You will know you are ready for the road signs test in Delaware when you can easily pass every round on the cheat sheet and no longer encounter any new questions. It takes 24 correct DMV written test answers to earn a pass, through it would be safer to aim for 26 or above.

The main function of this Delaware road signs cheat sheet is to make sure you can find all the correct road sign test answers during the permit test. For this reason, we have included two fantastic support tools which are available throughout the Delaware DMV practice test. These tools – known as ‘hint’ and ‘50/50’ – can be activated separately or together during any question on the cheat sheet. Choose ‘hint’ to view a clue about the correct Delaware driving test answers, or ‘50/50’ to narrow down your options by removing some of the incorrect answers. Our study aids make it so easy to answer questions correctly and pass the traffic signs test, that you will feel like you have cheated.

This free DMV signs test for Delaware applicants is not the only DMV cheat sheet we provide. To help learners improve their driver’s theory knowledge in other areas, we have also created a cheat sheet which includes road rule and traffic signal questions. Why not check the mixed-subject cheat sheet out when you are finished with this Delaware DMV written test practice quiz? Thanks to the resources we provide here on, you will never be short on Delaware DMV test questions and answers to support your studies.