
Delaware DMV Permit Practice Test (DE) 3

Free Delaware DMV practice test - round three! More free 2025 DMV test questions on road rules & road signs! Be awesome!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 2 drivers

Delaware Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Delaware driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

When you are ready to start learning to drive, the first and biggest obstacle in your path is the Delaware DMV permit test. This general knowledge exam exists to ensure every new driver understands road rules, driving laws, road signs and traffic signals well enough to begin their behind-the-wheel practice. Teenage permit applicants typically sit the Delaware DMV test at their driver’s education school, on the final day of their course. First time adult applicants must take the assessment at a participating DMV office in Wilmington, Dover, Newark or elsewhere in the state. Wherever you sit the DMV test, it will be conducted the same way. Use this Delaware DMV practice test to check out some genuine written test questions and answers from the general knowledge assessment.

The real Delaware permit test is 30 questions long and requires at least 24 correct DMV test answers. Our Delaware practice permit test slightly shorter than the real exam, featuring just 20 questions in total. While a 30-question multiple-choice assessment might not sound like much to worry about, keep in mind that the DMV permit test is randomly generated. This means it will be slightly different for every applicant and could present questions relating to anything you have studied during driver’s education. As a result, only students who have applied themselves and are well-versed in all the road rules, road signs and traffic signals in the DMV manual stand a good chance of getting through the test. Using Delaware DMV practice tests to support your work with the study guide is a fantastic way to boost your chances of passing the exam first time, as they allow you to check and reinforce your knowledge as you go along. It is never too soon to start working with Delaware practice permit tests, so take a shot at our free quiz when you are done with this introduction.

This Delaware DMV learners permit practice test is just the first stepping-stone on your path to becoming a fully qualified driver. It makes the perfect quiz with which to begin your learning journey, as it includes built-in study aids to help you out if you get stuck. Our study aids are installed next to every question on the DMV practice permit test for Delaware drivers and can be used to access a clue or eliminate some of the incorrect permit test answers. When you have hit the 80% pass requirement with this beginner’s Delaware permit practice test, take your studies to the next level by trying out our free DMV cheat sheet. That quiz also addresses all the core topics featured during the permit test but is 30-question long and will present different questions each time. Until the moment you are ready to take the real driving test, spend a little time each day reading through the Delaware driving test manual and working with one of our permit practice tests.

Our Delaware DMV practice test will improve your knowledge and help to prepare you for the general knowledge assessment, but it cannot single-handedly guarantee you secure a pass. All new motorists must read the driving manual from cover to cover, as it explores everything a driver must know to operate a vehicle safely, in addition to listing every road rule, pavement marking, traffic signal and road sign. The most effective study plans involve the DMV manual and our Delaware DMV written test practice tools being used side by side.