
Delaware DMV Practice Test (DE) 2025

A well balanced Delaware DMV practice test to help you drive it home! 20 new Delaware permit test answers for you to study!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 12 drivers

Delaware Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Delaware driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

When you are ready to embark on your driver’s education, use our Delaware practice permit test to support your work. This free DMV practice test for Delaware learners is one of several revision tools we provide on, all of which are built using genuine permit test questions. If you are relatively new to drivers ed and have not accrued much experience with Delaware DMV test questions and answers, this is the ideal quiz to get you started. The questions you will be faced with here cover rules of the road, traffic signals, road signs, driving laws and all the other primary subjects that will be addressed during the DMV permit test. It is 100% free to access this quiz in full, so you can begin using from the very start of your studies without worrying about achieving a great score. Your final grade on the Delaware DMV practice test will improve in-line with your driver’s theory knowledge.

The Delaware permit test will be 30 questions long, but this entry-level quiz includes just 20 driving test questions and answers. Shortening the DMV practice permit test slightly means it will be easier to complete regularly whenever you have five minutes to spare. Your goal should be to gain experience with as many different DMV questions and answers as possible prior to the real 2025 DMV written test. A pass on this quiz will take 16 correct permit test answers, though you do not need to worry about hitting this grade within a certain timeframe. Once you are satisfied with your score, move on to one of our other Delaware DMV practice tests to try out some new questions. If your driver’s education course is coming to an end and you would like to get prepped for the DMV test as quickly as possible, we suggest using our built-in study aids to help you find the correct DMV written test answers. The ‘hint’ feature can be used to ask for a clue about the correct solution, while the ‘50/50’ feature will remove 50% of the answers you do not need from the multiple-choice list.

This mixed-subject quiz will give you a taste of all the main topics you will be studying throughout drivers ed. It mirrors the approximate make-up of the real Delaware DMV permit test, presenting questions on road rules, pavement markings, road signs, traffic signals and traffic laws. In the run-up to the DMV test in Delaware, you will eventually need a greater variety of questions relating to each of these subjects. Fortunately, you will not have to go far in search of new questions as we provide Delaware DMV written test practice quizzes dedicated to each subject. Road signs are one of the most difficult subjects for new drivers; find out what you are up against by taking our DMV signs practice test for a spin when you are finished using this beginner’s test.

Every new driver’s greatest weapon is the Delaware driving manual. Produced and distributed by the DMV, the driving manual discusses absolutely everything a new motorist must know before getting on the road. It illustrates all the road rules and road signs you could be questioned on during the randomly generated DMV test, complete with diagrams and full explanations. If you hope to pass the DMV permit test first time, it is essential that you read all the study material in the DMV book in addition to using our Delaware practice permit tests.