
Virginia CDL Tanker Practice Test (VA) 2025

Tired of reading the drivers book? Take a break, take a free Virginia tanker test, take a ride to the DMV, pick up your CDL!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 6 drivers

Virginia CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Virginia CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Virginia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Becoming qualified to drive a liquid transportation tank vehicle can be easier than you think, thanks to the resources we provide here on The Virginia tanker vehicles endorsement practice test on this page is aimed at students from Richmond, Virginia Beach, Norfolk and every other city in the state who have committed to obtaining a Tanker Vehicles N endorsement for their commercial driver’s license. The VA DMV tanker test is not the only CDL endorsement exam you will need to take before learning to drive a tank-truck; how many other qualifications you need will depend on the size of your vehicle and what type of liquid it transports. In the case of hazardous liquids such as gas or industrial chemicals, a hazmat endorsement would be necessary on top of the N tanker vehicles endorsement. Should you decide this is the career path for you, our hazmat DMV CDL practice test for Virginia drivers is ready and waiting to support your studies.

Students applying for a Virginia tanker permit will also need an Air Brakes endorsement and possibly a Combination Vehicles endorsement. All tanker vehicles qualify as at least Class B, for which the Air Brakes endorsement permit test is mandatory. Both the Air Brakes and Combination Vehicles endorsement are required by Class A commercial drivers, and as tanker vehicles quite commonly fall into this upper-weight category, your chances of needing them are quite high. For both these exams and every other offered by the DMV, we have built top-quality free CDL practice tests to accompany the information in the permit book and support your learning. That includes the initial CDL general knowledge permit test, for which we provide one of the most comprehensive CDL general knowledge practice test Virginia quizzes online.

Why do tanker vehicle operators need an additional qualification as opposed to standard Class B and Class A vehicle drivers? The VA CDL tanker test is necessary because driving a tank-truck is difficult and dangerous. These vehicles have a very high center of gravity when they are full, making them easy to roll on bends and corners. Furthermore, the movement of liquid in partially-full tanks can affect your control of the vehicle, in some cases causing it to continue moving after coming to a stop. Your understanding of how to manage these dangers will be assessed with realistic questions on our Virginia tank practice test 2025 quiz and on the real DMV permit test. The detailed study material, explanations and diagrams you need to answer these questions successfully can be found in the VA CDL tanker study guide section of the DMV handbook. The most effective study plans incorporate this material and regular use of this Virginia tanker endorsement practice test, to continually challenge and enhance the student’s new knowledge as they learn.

Frequent work with the questions on our 2025 DMV practice test for VA tank-truck drivers can do wonders for your performance when the real DMV test comes around. There is no maximum number of times the permit test practice quiz can be used, so we encourage you to revisit it as often as possible! You might not be able to answer many of the permit test questions it contains correctly in the beginning, though your score should gradually increase with each new round on the quiz if you pay attention to the feedback provided and of course, continue to read the permit book. Soon you will be able to pass this CDL tanker practice test for Virginia drivers with no trouble at all. Then, why not try our tanker test cheat sheet?