
Virginia DMV Commercial Drivers License Cheat Sheet (VA) 2025

Over 500 VA DMV CDL test questions and answers for you to study, with helpful study aids and immediate grading!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 22 drivers

Virginia CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Virginia CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Virginia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Want to know how you can find out the answers to the 2025 VA permit test for your CDL learners permit? Believe it or not this free DMV cheat sheet can you all the Virginia DMV test questions and answers you could possibly need to pass the CDL DMV VA permit test! It wouldn’t be exaggeration to say that this 2025 CDL practice test is the most effective type of VA CDL practice test available online.

The Virginia DMV permit test includes 50 questions with a mixture of multiple choice and “true of false” style answers, which is exactly what you’ll get on our DMV cheat sheet CDL practice test. Just like the actual VA permit test, the permit test questions on this CDL DMV cheat sheet can all be answered using the up-to-date Virginia permit test study guide. Every single nugget of information you could be asked about during your CDL permit test can be looked up in the DMV permit book. But if you come across any permit test questions you don’t know the answer to on this cheat sheet, you don’t have to waste your time scouring the Virginia DMV handbook – you can simply choose to “cheat” on the test!

Obviously, this one way our DMV practice permit test differs considerably from the actual VA DMV test – you won’t be given the option to cheat in the DMV office! That’s why you should take advantage of this incredibly helpful VA general knowledge practice test while you can; being able to take a true-to-life CDL practice test for Virginia which also comes with study aids to help you find the answers is hugely beneficial in the weeks preceding your actual permit test.

It doesn’t matter if your CDL general knowledge for the DMV written test 2025 isn’t quite there yet. When you get stuck on a particularly difficult or confusing question on the DMV cheat sheet, you can just ask the test to make it easier for you! You can either do this by requesting a “hint” which will point you in the right direction, or by asking the Virginia DMV practice test cheat sheet to cut the number of possible permit test answers in half, giving you a better chance of guessing correctly. There is nothing stopping you from using both of these methods to find the right answer if you really want to!

Our CDL general knowledge cheat sheet has another appealing feature that many other CDL practice tests cannot boast – every time you take the test, it will automatically come up with a new batch of DMV test questions! The questions are randomly selected from an enormous pool of current permit test questions, so even if you used the DMV cheat sheet a thousand times, you are unlikely to ever get the same test twice. This is brilliant news for your learning, as it means you can’t accidentally remember the correct permit test answers through repetition alone. Each run through you’ll be questioned on VA DMV written test topics differently.

You can use this DMV practice test 2025 for Virginia as often as you like, for free. Our team recommend that you keep using the DMV permit practice test each day until you can easily score well over the required score of at least 40 questions answered correctly. When you’re all done with this DMV CDL practice test for Virginia, you might want to check out one of our other free CDL practice tests like the permit test VA Simulator quiz. With no study aids whatsoever, the Simulator will really show you what you’re made of!