
Virginia CDL General Knowledge Practice Test (VA) # 2

Looking for a Virginia class A practice test? You are in the right place! Don't forget to check out the combination vehicles DMV practice test too!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 19 drivers

Virginia CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Virginia CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Virginia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Do you dream of passing your DMV Class A permit test for Virginia and being able to drive some of the largest and most imposing commercial vehicles out there? Then you will need a reliable Class A license VA practice test quiz to improve your CDL general knowledge and make sure you ace the DMV permit test! Class A drivers license practice tests are known to be one of the most effectual tools for helping learner drivers pass their VA DMV test first time. We’re not exaggerating when we say that using a Class A practice test for Virginia really works – there is no better way to make sure you understand and retain the material in the VA DMV handbook.

Every topic which informs the DMV test questions is laid out in the DMV drivers handbook. It cannot be stressed enough how much you need a copy of the DMV handbook if you’re serious about doing well on the VA Class A test. In reality, you need to own a copy and read it thoroughly from cover to cover. That way you’ll be well-versed on all the main CDL topics which appear on the DMV permit test, from basic vehicle control to accident procedures and recovery. Luckily its easy to get your hands on a copy of the 2025 VA DMV handbook as its available to download for free on the DMV website. If you haven’t done so already, read through the handbook and then come back and try out our free 2025 CDL practice test.

You might be surprised to know that the CDL general knowledge test in Virginia is actually identical for all three classes of commercial drivers license. That’s right! You can use this DMV practice test 2025 VA quiz to revise for the CDL DMV test in Virginia, whether you need a Class A, Class B or Class C drivers license. So if you’re not sure what you want to do yet, there is no need for you to decide right now – you can still get started with this DMV practice permit test!

Remember that this VA Class A practice test only relates to the general knowledge DMV permit test. There are other, smaller tests which you will also need to pass in order to legally operate Class A vehicles – don’t worry, we have Class A drivers license practice tests for those exams too! For a Class A driving permit, you will also need a VA CDL practice test for the Air Brake endorsement exam, plus a VA CDL practice test for the Combination Vehicle endorsement exam. There are actually quite a few different endorsements you could choose to add to your Class A license, depending on what type of vehicle you want to drive and what equipment you’ll need to operate. Air Brake and Combination vehicle endorsements are both compulsory for Class A drivers, as they are a common feature on Class A vehicles. When the time comes, we have suitable CDL practice tests for both of these endorsements. The general knowledge DMV test for Virginia comes first, so you don’t need to study for your endorsement exams right away!

You’ll be glad to know that this 2025 CDL practice test for Virginia only takes around five minutes to complete! We’ve created the Virginia DMV permit practice test to give you an easy introduction to DMV test practice. Now you can easily find time to practice your CDL general knowledge. Why not see how quickly you can complete the 2025 CDL general knowledge practice test VA quiz now?