
Nevada DMV Road Signs Test (NV) 2025

Time to hit the signs! Learn 20 essential road signs for the Nevada permit test right now!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 10 drivers

Nevada Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Nevada drivers manual Drivers Manual

Start memorizing road signs for the permit test, with this free Nevada DMV road signs test! Of the 50 questions on the general knowledge DMV test for Nevada residents, approximately 25% will cover road signs. No applicant can predict precisely which road signs will be addressed during these questions and there are hundreds of Nevada road signs in the DMV database which could be randomly chosen for a spot on your test. If you hope to pass the Nevada DMV test first time around, your knowledge of road signs must be exceptional. Using this Nevada DMV sign test in conjunction with the official study material will help to ensure you reach an acceptable level of proficiency and can get through the permit test on your first attempt.

This Nevada traffic signs test is entirely free to use and will be available for unlimited re-tests. The DMV practice permit test includes 20 road sign questions, which are all either multiple-choice or ‘true or false’ in format. Every question is presented with at least one quality image of a road sign, just like the images in the Nevada DMV handbook. Your job is to consider all the information given with the question and choose which of the listed DMV written test answers you believe is correct. In doing so, you can either rely solely on your existing knowledge of street signs or use one of the Nevada DMV practice tests free study aids for guidance. The ‘50/50’ button will delete 50% of the incorrect road signs or road sign meanings from the multiple-choice selection, making it the perfect tool to use when you are stuck between several likely looking answers. If you would simply like a little more information about the road sign being targeted, use the ‘hint’ button to ask for a clue instead. Answering 16 or more questions correctly qualifies as a passing grade, as this reflects the 80% pass threshold used during the real Nevada permit test.

This Nevada DMV practice test does not feature any material relating to traffic signals, traffic violations, rules of the road or any other permit test topics. Alongside Nevada road signs, these subjects will feature prominently on the 50-question DMV permit test. When you are satisfied with your performance on this DMV signs test Nevada quiz, head over to one of our mixed-subject practice permit tests to begin working with different topics. Alternatively, you can use our 50-question DMV cheat sheet to access a greater selection of road sign test questions.

Though every student is free to decide how they organize their studies for the 2025 DMV written test, your primary source of information must be the DMV handbook for Nevada residents. In the DMV signs test section of that guide, you will find a comprehensive list including every guide sign, work zone sign, regulatory sign and warning sign which you need to learn before sitting the DMV test. In addition, the handbook explores the different ways in which motorists should respond to road signs given the situation on the roadway. This is essential information, which you cannot obtain simply through using a Nevada DMV practice permit test. Our Nevada signs test will greatly improve your memory and understanding of road signs, but it must not be used as a substitute for the DMV drivers book. You stand the greatest chance of success during the road signs test portion of the general knowledge assessment, if you split your study time between reading the driver’s handbook and answering related questions with this practice DMV test for Nevada drivers.