
Nevada DMV Permit Practice Test (NV) 2

More free Nevada permit test practice questions on signs and rules! Tailored to the 2025 DMV permit test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
94% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 35 drivers

Nevada Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Nevada drivers manual Drivers Manual

Use this DMV practice permit test for Nevada applicants to challenge your knowledge of road rules, road signs and other essential information from the DMV drivers book. Clicking the ‘start’ button will automatically bring up the first of 20 real Nevada permit test questions, all of which are presented with a short selection of possible permit test answers. To earn yourself a pass on the Nevada DMV practice test, you must answer at least 80% of the questions it presents correctly. This is the same minimum requirement for a driving permit used during the real drivers permit test, yet on this shorter quiz it equates to just 16 correct answers. Even this can be a tough score to hit if you have little to no prior experience with the study material. Luckily for you, our team have built the NV DMV license practice test with integrated study aids that can assist you with challenging questions, should you run into trouble.

Every participant using this practice driving test for Nevada residents is free to decide how often they seek assistance from our study aids. If you would prefer a more challenging experience, ignore the study aids altogether and see how many questions you can answer relying exclusively on your own knowledge. In contrast, you could choose to activate both study aids during every question on the DMV Nevada practice test. Clicking the ‘50/50’ button will eliminate 50% of the incorrect answers next to a question, while clicking ‘hint’ brings up a clue about the correct solution which can nudge you in the right direction. Learner’s permit applicants are not given access to support features during the real Nevada DMV permit test, but you do not need to worry about this yet. Before taking the Nevada DMV test, there will be plenty of time to practice answering questions on your own.

Using our 2025 DMV practice test for Nevada residents alongside the drivers handbook will greatly enhance your studies and leave you in a stronger position during the general knowledge assessment. The main reason for this is that factoring the quiz into your learning plan give you access to a varied selection of real permit test questions, which is not something you can get from reading the DMV book alone. With the self-assessment material our Nevada practice permit test provides, you can check your progress with the study material every step of the way and make sure you have understood everything correctly. Our DMV practice permit tests will also improve your chances of passing the permit test by making your preparation for the assessment more enjoyable. When you have a fun, free quiz with which to challenge your knowledge, you will find yourself reading the DMV Nevada handbook more diligently and will retain what you have learned for longer.

Besides this DMV permit practice test for Nevada driers, we also provide a wide range of general knowledge quizzes of varying lengths, focusing on different chapters of the permit test study guide. Making sure you have learned enough to pass the 50-question learners permit test is a matter of reading all the study material and passing all the DMV practice tests on our website. When you have achieved this, you should be about ready to ace the real assessment at a DMV office in Las Vegas, Reno, Henderson or whichever city is closest to you. Do not forget to check whether you need to book the permit test advance, or you may end up wasting a journey!