
Nevada DMV Adult Permit Test (NV) 2025

A new 2025 Nevada DMV practice test for adults! If you are 18 or older, do this practice quiz now!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
84% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.2 out of 5 by 5 drivers

Nevada Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Nevada drivers manual Drivers Manual

Use this Nevada practice permit test to improve your knowledge of road rules and road signs, in preparation for the adult permit test. The DMV learners permit practice test for Nevada applicants covers every major permit test topic and is the same length as the real general knowledge DMV test. As rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals and pavement markings will also be addressed to some extent during the renewal license exam, our quiz can be used by any existing driver who needs to get ready for that assessment. Like the real Nevada learners permit test, this quiz presents a mixture of ‘true or false’ or multiple-choice questions and asks that 80% of them are answered correctly. Though unlike the real permit test, our DMV Nevada practice test is entirely free to use!

When you are ready to find out what will be expected of you during the DMV written test for over 18s, this free DMV practice test for Nevada residents will show you. Formatted similarly to the DMV exam, our quiz features 50 permit test questions and requires at least 40 correct permit test answers. Everything you need to answer the questions on this Nevada drivers permit test quiz correctly can be found in the 2025 copy of the DMV drivers book. Though the handbook is extensive and not particularly exciting, you will need to read it from cover to cover at least once before attempting to pass the real permit test. Unfortunately, this is the only way you can be 100% certain that everything you may be questioned on during the DMV permit test has been addressed. Luckily, our DMV 50-question practice test will help you to get through the information in the permit book much faster than most students who tackle it alone.

Genuine written permit test questions and answers are difficult to come by, which makes it hard for prospective motorists to track their progress with the study material. With the free DMV permit practice test Nevada questions on this permit test quiz and our other resources, you have enough self-assessment material to challenge your knowledge of everything discussed in the DMV handbook. Taking regular breaks from reading to answer questions with the Nevada DMV practice permit test will reinforce your understanding of the material being addressed, allowing you to move on to new information without constantly revisiting the same chapters of the book. All things considered, using this permit test over 18s quiz will make your studies more effectively and leave you all set to take on the permit test in a shorter time.

We have included study aids on this Nevada DMV written test practice quiz, to help you answer questions when you are not feeling confident with the study material. The ‘hint’ study aid will give you more information in the form of a helpful hint, while the ‘50/50’ button makes it easier to guess correctly by taking away 50% of the incorrect permit test answers. Once you have comfortably surpassed the 80% pass requirement with this permit test quiz, you should further your studies with one of our other Nevada DMV practice tests. Learners of all ages are free to use any of the quizzes we provide, as both teenagers and adults must sit the same 50-question general knowledge permit test. Complete every quiz with consistent scores of 90% or above and you should have no trouble at all passing the assessment and obtaining a learner’s permit.