
Alaska DMV Practice Test (AK) Three

Unlock the 2025 Alaska permit test with the help of these free sample questions! Road signs and traffic rules!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 2 drivers

Alaska DMV Test Facts

  • Questions: 20
  • Correct answers to pass: 16
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Alaska DMV manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Alaska drivers manual Drivers Manual

Before you can hop into the driver’s seat and start learning to drive, you will need to study road rules, road signs, traffic signals and other essential driving theory knowledge. Without solid understanding of the rules and devices that govern our roadways, it is impossible to start learning to operate a vehicle safely. To make sure all new drivers have the minimum safe level of knowledge, the DMV asks that every driver’s license applicant takes the Alaska DMV permit test before getting on the road. The Alaska DMV practice test provided here has been built to help you study for that assessment. During the general knowledge permit test, participants are asked 20 multiple-choice questions on road rules, road signs and the other information in the DMV manual. To achieve a learner’s permit, you will be expected to answer at least 16 questions correctly.

It is important not to underestimate the challenge posed by the Alaska permit test, if you are set on passing it the first time. Though the exam only features 20 questions, these could address any of the information in the DMV handbook. Our Alaska practice permit test includes a realistic sample of questions that could appear during the DMV written test, though there is no guarantee that any of them will come up. Any learner who wishes to maximize their chances of passing the Alaska DMV test must read the entire drivers manual and complete all the practice permit tests available here on, prior to attempting the exam. This will ensure you have covered all the information which could appear during the permit test and that you have worked with a great enough variety of sample permit test questions.

Like the real permit test, this DMV learners permit practice test for Alaska residents contains 20 questions and asks that 16 or more of them are answered correctly. We have built the quiz to be suitable for completely new learners with little prior experience with the study material. It does not matter how many attempts it takes to pass the Alaska DMV practice test and you are free to refer to your study guide as often as necessary. However, looking up information in the study guide is not the only way you can get help answering questions during the DMV permit practice test. Throughout the quiz, there are two study aids that can be used as lifelines whenever you encounter a question you cannot answer. The ‘50/50’ lifeline will remove half the incorrect permit test answers, while the ‘hint’ lifeline will bring up a clue about the wider topic and the solution you are looking for. With these study aids at your disposal, it may be possible to pass the DMV practice test Alaska quiz during your initial attempt, without once accessing the study guide.

Though our Alaska DMV practice tests study aids may save you from referring to the driving test study guide too often, this does not mean you can avoid reading the study guide and hope to get through the general knowledge exam. Only through reading the Alaska drivers manual can students gain a true understanding of complex road rules, road signs and driving laws. You should download your free digital copy of the study guide now and begin reading it as soon as possible. There is a great deal of information to cover but taking regular breaks with one of our Alaska DMV practice permit test quizzes will make the process much more fun.