
Alaska DMV Road Signs Test Cheat Sheet 2025

Fancy to cut a few corners? Here's the road map - a free Alaska permit test cheat sheet with 2025 road signs test answers!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 1 drivers

Alaska DMV Test Facts

  • Questions: 20
  • Correct answers to pass: 16
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Alaska DMV manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Alaska drivers manual Drivers Manual

Get all the Alaska DMV permit test answers you will need for the road signs portion of the permit test, using this free DMV cheat sheet! Like no other driver’s education tool ever made, our Alaska permit test cheat sheet can challenge your knowledge of every warning sign, guide sign, work zone sign and regulatory sign in the drivers manual. However, challenging your existing knowledge is not all the Alaska DMV practice test signs quiz can do! To help improve your recollection of Alaska road signs from day one of your studies, we have added two incredible study aids to this 2025 DMV cheat sheet. With these tools, you can ‘cheat’ to find the correct Alaska permit test answers during any question on the quiz!

The Alaska DMV signs test is one of the most challenging aspects of the driving knowledge exam. There are hundreds of different road signs in Alaska which you could need to recall during the assessment. Relying solely on the driving test study guide to bring your knowledge up to scratch can be a bit of a chore. While you do need to read the study guide before sitting the Alaska DMV test, working with our DMV signs practice test cheat sheet alongside the manual will make the learning process run more smoothly. Our intelligent DMV practice permit test for Alaska learners presents 20 DMV questions and answers per round, just as the full general knowledge test will. However, these will not be the same questions each time you work on the cheat sheet. To make sure that the Alaska road signs cheat sheet will keep you on your toes and will ultimately address all the signs listed in the study guide, it has been designed to randomly generate a road signs test each time you hit the ‘start’ button. To get the greatest benefit from using this Alaska DMV permit test cheat sheet, you should aim to complete it at least once a day while you are studying road signs. It takes 16 correct DMV written test answers to pass the quiz; when you can hit this score every time and have finished with the study material, you are ready to move on to a different subject.

Our Alaska DMV knowledge test cheat sheet will hasten your progression by allowing you to ‘cheat’ whenever you hit a dead end with a difficult question. If you encounter a road sign or a road sign meaning you are not familiar with, click one of the DMV cheat sheets two lifelines next to the question. Opting for the ‘hint’ lifeline will instantly bring up a clue about the correct DMV test answers, offering more information to help you guess correctly. The ‘50/50’ lifeline will narrow down your options by cutting away 50% of the incorrect answers presented with the question. You are free to use these study aids as often as you like during the Alaska DMV practice test. As the Alaska DMV sign test draws closer, you will find yourself less reliant on the study aids without even trying.

We have found this free DMV cheat sheet to be very effective in helping students prepare for the Alaska road sign test. So much so, that we have also constructed a mixed-subject DMV practice test Alaska cheat sheet which works in the same way! Check out our multi-topic cheat sheet when you are ready to factor some rules of the road questions into your learning plan.