
Alaska DMV Permit Practice Test (AK) 2

Another twenty awesome 2025 DMV questions to take you one step closer to the learner's permit! More freebies for you!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
94% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 3 drivers

Alaska DMV Test Facts

  • Questions: 20
  • Correct answers to pass: 16
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Alaska DMV manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Alaska drivers manual Drivers Manual

Find out exactly what to expect from the Alaska DMV permit test without paying a penny or leaving the comfort of your home, by using this free DMV practice test! Featuring 20 genuine permit test questions on rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals, driving laws and the other core driver’s ed subjects, our Alaska DMV practice test gives learners the inside scoop on the assessment and the opportunity to apply their new knowledge. We have also programmed the Alaska practice permit test with the same pass requirement as the real drivers permit test, which means that at least 16 correct permit test answers must be provided. Fortunately, you will not be penalized for failing to hit this score right away, as the quiz is free to use and allows all learners unlimited re-sits.

If the Alaska DMV test is just around the corner and you are anxious to improve your score on this 2025 practice permit test quickly, our built-in study aids can give you a short cut to the correct permit test answers. When you come up against a road rule or road sign you do not recognize, click the ‘hint’ study aid to request a helpful hint about the right solution. Learners can also click ‘50/50’ to improve their chances of guessing correctly, by eliminating 50% of the incorrect answers. Neither of these tools are available during the real Alaska permit test, so you will eventually need to get by without them. Thankfully, our Alaska DMV practice test makes it so easy to remember essential driving knowledge, that you will not need to rely on the study aids for long.

While everything you need to know in the run-up to the permit test is explored in the Alaska driving test study guide, you will stand a better chance of passing the general knowledge exam during your first attempt if you also use our DMV practice permit tests. The study guide contains a great deal of complex information, any of which could be addressed on the assessment. With our DMV practice permit test for Alaska drivers giving you the chance to apply your new knowledge, you will likely understand it better and remember it for longer. Breaking up your study time by completing regular rounds on the quiz will also allow you to focus for longer and get more enjoyment from the experience. Students who have fun while they learn usually end up with better scores during the Alaska learners permit test.

In addition to this entry-level Alaska DMV learner permit practice test, is home to a complete range of general knowledge quizzes for new drivers. The range includes a DMV signs practice test, a traffic signals quiz, a quiz aimed at adult learners and a simulator that recreates the challenge-level of the actual permit test. It is important that you do not attempt to pass the real drivers permit test until you can comfortably complete and pass every quiz we offer. You could be asked questions on anything included in the study guide during the permit test, which means your theory knowledge must be strong across the board. Collectively, our Alaska DMV written test practice quizzes contain enough material to challenge your understanding of every road rule, road sign, traffic signal and driving law listed in the drivers manual. If you reach a point where you can pass them all without relying on our study aids, taking the actual assessment should be a walk in the park.