
Texas Practice Permit Test 2025

The foundation stone of your learner's permit experience! 20 free questions to get you started on the 2025 Texas permit test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
92% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.6 out of 5 by 137 drivers

Texas Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: DPS Offices, Online Testing, Driving Schools
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Texas drivers manual Drivers Manual

Get your preparation for the Texas DMV permit test off to a flying start, with the DPS practice permit test on this page! This 2025 practice permit test is the perfect place to begin studying for the general knowledge driving test, whether you are a first-time permit applicant or an experienced driver getting ready for a renewal exam. The quiz contains a varied selection of genuine permit test questions, focusing on primary driver’s ed topics such as rules of the road, road signs and alcohol awareness. Driver’s license applicants who use our Texas practice permit tests are substantially more likely to pass the driver’s permit test, as compared to those who go it alone. It is never too soon to start your permit test practice, so why not get started right now?

Do not worry if you don’t have much time to spare, as our DMV learners permit practice test for Texas residents is designed to be a convenient learning tool for even the busiest of students! Start to finish, most participants take around five minutes to work through the quiz. If you have that much time free now, hit the ‘start’ button to begin the test. What follows will be a series of individual pages, each presenting one multiple-choice or ‘true or false’ question. There are a total of 20 practice permit test Texas questions on the quiz, from which 16 must be answered correctly for a passing grade to be assigned. You do not need to be concerned with your final score when initially working on the permit test quiz, as you are free to re-take it and build on your grade as many times as you like. The main purpose of this introductory Texas DPS permit practice test is to show you an array of realistic questions on a variety of different driver’s ed topics.

The learners permit test in Texas focuses primarily on rules of the road, traffic signals and road signs, with the latter of these three subjects accounting for around a quarter of all questions on the 30-question assessment. You can also expect to be asked questions on traffic violations, fines, penalties and drug and alcohol awareness. As you work through the study material, you will eventually need to work on a DMV Texas practice permit test which delves into these individual subjects a little more thoroughly. The quiz on this page does contain a couple of questions focusing on each subject but does not address any single subject in detail. When you wish to challenge your knowledge of road signs or alcohol awareness, try one of the dedicated Texas DPS practice tests elsewhere on our

At the beginning of your learning journey, it is essential to keep in mind how vital the Texas driver’s manual is to your ultimate success. No other study guide explores every driver’s ed topic that will be assessed during the permit test or is officially endorsed by the Department of Public Safety. It is impossible to thoroughly prepare yourself for the permit test in Texas, without reading the drivers handbook. Remember that the exam is randomly generated by computer and could cover any of the information in the driving manual. Our Texas DMV practice permit tests can help you get ready for the general knowledge exam, but not unless you also read the study guide. With that disclaimer out of the way, you are ready to take your first shot at answering some real permit test questions with this free practice permit test!