
Texas Drug & Alcohol Driving Permit Test (TX) 2025

A new way to study drug & alcohol questions and answers! Twenty new permit test questions every time!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 6 drivers

Texas Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: DPS Offices, Online Testing, Driving Schools
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Texas drivers manual Drivers Manual

Do you know how many questions are on the drug and alcohol test for Texas drivers? We are willing to bet the answer to that question is “no”, as there is no way for any permit applicant to know in advance of the assessment how many DUI questions will come up. While drug and alcohol awareness features prominently in the driver’s education materials, these issues are still only assessed as a small part of the overall theory exam. Though believe us when we say that this does not mean you can neglect your drug and alcohol revision and hope to pass the assessment! If you will settle for nothing less than a first-time pass on the permit test, factor the drug and alcohol practice test for Texas drivers which begins on this page into your learning plan.

In Texas, the DPS do not specify how many questions on the permit test paper will cover rules of the road, let alone drug and alcohol awareness. If you want to feel totally confident in your ability to pass the DMV written test when you enter the exam center, you must prepare to answer every drug and alcohol question which could come up on the assessment. This is where our TX permit practice test alcohol quiz can help. As a Texas drivers license written test cheat sheet as opposed to an ordinary fixed-question quiz, this clever self-assessment resource really can address every drug and alcohol topic you could be asked about during the permit test. There many only be a handful of spaces on your exam paper reserved for these issues but the DPS database which supplies the test contains dozens of questions. This 2025 DMV cheat sheet also operates using a large database of Texas driving test questions and answers, from which fresh material is drawn whenever a participant completes it.

How does this question selection process affect your Texas drug and alcohol test experience? Essentially, it means that the driving practice test for Texas applicants will never become boring, too easy or redundant. Every new round of questioning you complete will be different from the last, featuring new and exciting material. In time, regular work with this Texas permit test cheat sheet can ensure everything you could be asked about during the drug and alcohol section of the real permit test has been dealt with.

Understanding complex drug and alcohol awareness questions and finding the correct Texas learners permit test answers is harder than most students think. To make sure you remain motivated and can work through the DPS practice permit test successfully, our team have added two incredible support tools to this free DMV cheat sheet. You do not need to feel disheartened when you run into a challenging question which you cannot answer, as our “hint” and “50/50” tools will be there to get you out of trouble. These features are available for free, unlimited use throughout the test and can make answering questions so simple that you will feel like you have cheated! Rest assured, these tools are not there just to give you an easy way out. Activating them will teach you a little more about the topics being addressed on the DMV drug and alcohol practice test, leaving you in a better position to answer similar questions correctly by yourself when next you encounter them.