
Oregon Permit Test Road Signs Cheat Sheet 2025

The ultimate challenge! Over 100 questions on road signs for the 2025 DMV knowledge test, based on the Oregon drivers manual!

  • 35 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 7 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 8 drivers

Oregon Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 35
  • Correct answers to pass: 28
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Transportation (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Oregon drivers manual Drivers Manual

When you need a road sign study sheet to help you with the information in the driver’s manual, use the free DMV practice test for Oregon residents on this page. We call this test the Oregon road signs cheat sheet, as it will prepare you to answer every road sign question on the DMV knowledge test. Unlike most road signs quizzes on the internet, this DMV permit practice test only contains material relating to road signs. Upon starting the Oregon permit test cheat sheet, you will be presented with a series of 35 DMV questions and answers. All the information you will need to answer these Oregon DMV test questions correctly can be found in the DMV sign test section of the driving manual. However, reading the driving manual is not the only way you can get through this test! Beside every question on this Oregon DMV practice test are two study tools which can be used at any point, to ‘cheat’ your way to the correct permit test answers.

We said this 2025 DMV cheat sheet for Oregon learners can prepare you for any road signs test question that comes up during the permit test, and this is not an exaggeration. As you know, there are hundreds of different warning signs, guide signs, work zone signs and regulatory signs in common use on state roadways, all of which are addressed with questions in the DMV exam database. There is no way we can prepare you for everything with just 35 questions, which is why this Oregon DMV learners permit practice test will generate new material each time you use it. Like the DMV permit test, our written test cheat sheet is supplied by a database stocked with enough questions to cover all the road signs in the driving manual. Clicking the ‘start’ button generates an Oregon DMV signs test made-up of randomly chosen material from our question pool. With frequent use, our Oregon permit practice test can address every road sign and leave you 100% prepared for the signs section of the knowledge test.

An almost endless supply of Oregon DMV sign test questions is only useful if you have the means to answer them correctly. You will need to read all the study material in the street signs test chapter of the driving manual before sitting the real permit test, though you do not need to refer to the guide every time you cannot answer a question on this Oregon DMV knowledge test cheat sheet. Instead, accelerate your progress by using one of our integrated study tools to ‘cheat’ the challenging question. When you are not certain how to respond to a given road sign, use the ‘hint’ button to ask for a tip. If you think you know the answer but cannot decide between two of the optional responses, click the ‘50/50’ tool to delete 50% of the incorrect answers.

Though this Oregon DMV practice test signs quiz only contains road sign-related questions, it has been built with similar parameters to the real permit test. You will need to provide a minimum of 28 correct DMV written test answers to achieve a pass during a single round. As the DMV cheat sheets material changes for every attempt, you should aim to hit the passing score at least six or seven times in a row before moving on to another subject. With the integrated study aids by your side, this should not take long!