
Oregon DMV Knowledge Test Cheat Sheet 2025

Come to the dark side... We have 100s of free Oregon DMV knowledge test questions for the 2025 drivers permit test!

  • 35 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 7 Mistakes Allowed
84% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.2 out of 5 by 102 drivers

Oregon Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 35
  • Correct answers to pass: 28
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Transportation (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Oregon drivers manual Drivers Manual

Take a shot at passing the Oregon knowledge test, with this free DMV cheat sheet! Most students look for study support in the form of an Oregon driving test questions and answers PDF or similar downloadable resources. You have found something much more exciting in our Oregon DMV practice test for 2025 applicants. This clever Oregon DMV knowledge test cheat sheet is an interactive learning tool which has been designed just like the real permit test. It contains 35 Oregon DMV test questions, requires 28 correct permit test answers and presents road rule, road sign and traffic signal questions. The DMV permit practice test Oregon cheat sheet will let you enter responses, rather than simply displaying a set list of questions. All the Oregon DMV written test answers you enter will be marked right away and the correct answer will always be displayed. While all this is pretty exciting, our DMV cheat sheets greatest strength is that it allows students to ‘cheat’ whenever they cannot answer a question!

If you are wondering why you should use practice knowledge test for Oregon learners which allows you to cheat when you get stuck, keep reading to find out more. The purpose of the Oregon permit test cheat sheet is to make sure you can choose all the correct DMV test answers during the general knowledge assessment. To achieve this, we need to make sure you can find them here first. By all means rely on your own knowledge of road rules and road signs when answering questions, but do not hesitate to use the DMV cheat sheets support tools if you run into trouble. Cheat the Oregon DMV practice test by hitting the ‘hint’ button to access a clue, or by hitting the ‘50/50’ button to delete 50% of the answers you do not need. Cheating might seem like a bad idea, but we encourage you to do it as often as you like while working on this Oregon DMV knowledge test quiz. The more often you cheat, the faster your knowledge will improve and the sooner you will be ready to attempt the real permit test.

Our Oregon practice knowledge test cannot replace the official driver’s manual, but it can present you with genuine written test questions and answers addressing every scrap of knowledge in the guide. We have made this possible by programming the cheat sheet to choose different Oregon DMV permit test questions from our knowledge base each time it is activated. Every new round means a new series of 35 Oregon DMV written test questions and answers and new challenges for your driver’s theory knowledge. To get the greatest benefit from using the Oregon DMV license practice test, we suggest working on it regularly until it no longer surprises you with unfamiliar questions and you can comfortably pass every round. Like the real knowledge test in Oregon, 80% equates to a passing grade. However, it would be wise to continue working beyond this score in pursuit of 90% averages, just to make sure you will not be tripped up by a few challenging questions during the real permit test.

Eventually, you will need to hit the pass requirement without looking up information in your driver’s manual or seeking assistance from our study aids. When you are ready to give this a try, head on over to our Oregon DMV practice test simulator. Not for the faint-hearted, our simulator can show you exactly what sitting the real 2025 knowledge test will be like!