
Michigan Drivers Permit Practice Test 3

Ready to tackle more Michigan practice driving test questions? Here they are! 20 new drivers license test questions and answers on signs and rules!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 26 drivers

Michigan Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Secretary of State (SOS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Michigan drivers manual Drivers Manual

First-time drivers from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing and elsewhere in Michigan have a challenging time ahead. Before you can hop into the driver’s seat and start practicing your maneuvering skills, you must obtain a learner’s permit by passing the Michigan driving test. That exam represents the general knowledge portion of your driving assessments and is extremely difficult to pass. Using the Michigan drivers license practice test on this page, you can check out some of the questions you may be asked during the permit test. The Michigan driving test practice quiz is free and has been built for frequent use alongside the driving manual, which covers what every driver must know in fine detail. Together, our DMV practice permit tests and the driving manual will make sure you stand the greatest possible chance of passing the SOS permit test first time.

It is important to appreciate how challenging the driver’s test will be, so you can prepare for it effectively. When you sit the general knowledge exam at your local SOS office, you will be presented with a computerized test made up of 50 multiple-choice and ‘true of false’ questions. A booking fee will be required to take the exam, but here, you have access to an incredible selection of Michigan driving test questions and answers, free of charge. The Michigan driving practice test you have discovered on this page contains less than half the number of questions as the real driver test, as it is designed for beginners. Elsewhere on there are several 50-question permit practice tests, which you can use once you are happy with your performance here.

The Michigan drivers test is randomly generated and could address anything from the driver’s manual. You can expect most of the questions it contains to target rules of the road, around a quarter to address road signs, with the remaining questions on the paper covering traffic signals, alcohol awareness and other important subjects. All the same topics are addressed to some degree on our Michigan driving license practice test, though they may not be addressed with the exact same questions as the real general knowledge DMV test. As the assessment is different for every student and draws on a vast pool of information, you must be ready to answer questions on any of the information in the Michigan driving test book. The smartest way to achieve this level of proficiency is to leave yourself plenty of time to read through the entire driving test study guide, while taking regular breaks to answer questions with our practice driving test Michigan quizzes. Our 2025 practice permit test Michigan quizzes are free to use and can be accessed in any order, though we recommend starting with this test and the other entry-level resources, to ease you into the process gently.

When you reach a stage that you feel confident answering questions on any of the information from the study guide, try a few rounds on our full-length drivers test simulator. With no support and the same number of questions as the real driving test, that super-realistic drivers ed practice test for Michigan learners will make sure you are ready for the challenge ahead. Pay attention to the feedback and corrections provided throughout this quiz and you will be ready to take on the simulator sooner than you think.

The real driving test requires students to answer at least 40 out of 50 questions correctly, which equates to a passing threshold of 80%. This entry-level Michigan drivers permit practice test may be significantly shorter than the real driving test, but it does have the same 80% pass requirement. Here, that translates to 16 correct permit test answers from the 20 questions available.