
Massachusetts CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test (MA) 2025

Your success is our mission! Nail your 2025 Massachusetts CDL combination test with these free DMV practice test questions!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 7 drivers

Massachusetts CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Massachusetts CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Massachusetts drivers manual Drivers Manual

Did you know that becoming a Class A commercial driver in Boston, Worcester, Springfield or anywhere else in Massachusetts will demand a Combination Vehicles endorsement in addition to your main commercial driving permit? While most commercial driving endorsements are optional, Class A is associated with two compulsory endorsements due to the skill and expert knowledge needed to operate vehicles of this size and weight. We have put together the 2025 CDL practice test on this page to help aspiring Class A drivers study for and pass the mandatory Mass CDL combination test. Thanks to the interactive design and authentic content on this MA combination CDL practice test, getting through this vital stage in your commercial driving education can be easier than you think.

Any vehicle towing one or more trailers qualifies as a combination vehicle. The Massachusetts combination CDL test is a set-requirement for Class A drivers as all Class A vehicles have this feature. To get behind the wheel of a combination vehicle and begin learning to drive, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of basic manoeuvring skills, how to avoid rolling your vehicle, breaking distances, how to change lanes, crossing railways safely, skid prevention and many other essential topics. Our MA CDL combination practice test contains authentic questions targeting these core Combination Vehicles subjects, many of which have appeared on real-life DMV endorsement test papers in the past. While this RMV CDL practice test for Massachusetts drivers can show you what kind of questions will be asked during the permit test and reinforce your knowledge, it cannot provide you with all the study material you will need to pass the exam. For this, you will need the Combination Vehicles section of the MA permit test study guide.

Our Class A license Massachusetts practice test has been built to work in conjunction with the official permit book and is most effective when used in this way. Reading the manual will teach you everything necessary to pass the DMV permit test, while the RMV practice permit test MA quiz reinforces that new knowledge by providing an opportunity to apply it to real DMV test questions. Engaging in these additional study activities regularly will help you to retain information and get ready for the permit test in a shorter time, while also increasing the likelihood that you will pass. You can reap all the benefits of using our CDL combination practice test for Massachusetts applicants without paying a single penny, as unlike other websites we do not charge students for accessing our resources!

Every commercial driving student must pass the MA CDL general knowledge test 2025 exam, before choosing which endorsement exams apply to their chosen career. If you have not yet taken the CDL general knowledge Massachusetts exam, you should spend some time working with our DMV general knowledge practice test and return to this quiz later. For Class A applicants, the Air Brakes endorsement is also a set-requirement, as every Class A truck requires air brakes to assist slowing and stopping. When you are done with the MA CDL Class A combination practice test and wish to begin familiarizing yourself with Air Brakes endorsement material, we have a couple of free CDL practice tests here on to get you started! For now, why not take your first peak at some real permit test questions using the combination vehicles quiz? It is packed with brilliant images, helpful guidance tools and should take no more than five minutes to complete!