
Massachusetts DMV Commercial Drivers License Cheat Sheet (MA) 2025

Your secret weapon against the CDL test, a free MA CDL permit test cheat sheet with over 300 drivers test questions and answers!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
94% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 11 drivers

Massachusetts CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Massachusetts CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Massachusetts drivers manual Drivers Manual

Have you been going around in circles trying to find a 2025 CDL practice test which can give you all the answers for the DMV permit test in Massachusetts? Well, now you can give yourself a break. You’ve found all the permit test answers you could possibly need on this 2025 RMV cheat sheet! One of the most advanced CDL learners permit study tools available, our CDL general knowledge cheat sheet is just like the real MASS permit test, but we’ve given you the best of both worlds and included some helpful support tools too! You won’t be able to cheat on the actual 2025 RMV written test in Massachusetts, but you can cheat as much as you want on our DMV practice permit test.

In fact, we actively encourage students to cheat on this quiz! If you don’t know the answer to certain permit test questions, you’ll get far greater benefit from asking the quiz to assist you, than you would if you simply gave up and moved on to the next question. This isn’t supposed to provide a measurement of whether you can pass the exam without support; if that’s what you’re looking for then you should try our permit test RMV Simulator quiz! What we aim to do with this DMV cheat sheet is show you what the actual MA permit test will be like in terms of questions, topics and difficulty, but also help you to learn more and improve your existing understanding of CDL general knowledge as you go along. Sound good? Great! Keep reading to find out more.

Let’s talk about the brilliant support tools on this 2025 DMV practice test for MA in a little more detail. You don’t have to activate the support tools if you don’t want to, if you find you don’t actually need any help – that’s great! You are more than welcome to work through the quiz without assistance. However, if you come across a particularly tricky question and you just can’t figure out the answer alone, you can ask the test to perform one of two functions. Firstly, you might choose to use the “50/50” tool which asks the RMV permit practice test to remove half of the multiple-choice options, narrowing down your selection. Alternatively, you could choose to request a hint from the test, which would just give you a bit of extra information to help you work out the answer on your own. If you really wanted to, there is nothing stopping you from using both of these tools for all the DMV test questions on the Massachusetts CDL practice test!

Most students find that this practice RMV written test for 2025 takes around 15 to 20 minutes to finish. You’ll need to answer 40 out of 50 questions correct to obtain a passing grade. Remember, it doesn’t matter at all if you need a lot of support the first time you use this MA DMV practice test. You can use the test as many times as you need to without ever having to pay for it! We recommend completing the quiz at regular intervals as your RMV MA permit test approaches, until you can confidently score over 45 questions correct every time – just to be sure your CDL general knowledge is up-to-scratch. We find that students can use this CDL general knowledge practice test for Massachusetts dozens of times without every getting bored, as it generates a brand-new set of permit test questions every time it re-starts.

Why not try the test now and see how far you can get without cheating?