
Maryland MVA Practice Test (MD) 2025

A Maryland MVA practice test that delivers! 20 new questions on road rules & road signs for the 2025 MVA permit test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 344 drivers

Maryland Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 25
  • Correct answers to pass: 22
  • Passing score: 88%
  • Test locations: Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Test quirks: The MVA test in Maryland is timed. You are allowed no more than 20 minutes to complete the exam.
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Maryland drivers manual Drivers Manual

Your first task as an aspiring driver will be passing the Maryland MVA test. The exam is a written assessment which covers essential driver’s theory knowledge, such as road signs, traffic signals and rules of the road. Get your preparation for this challenging assessment underway today, with the free MVA practice test for Maryland residents provided on this page. The Maryland driving test questions and answers featured on this quiz are just like those you will be presented with during the real multiple-choice permit test. There is no charge for using our MVA permit practice test for Maryland drivers, so you are free to return here as often as you want while studying the MVA manual.

Whether you are planning to take the MVA permit test in Baltimore, Frederick, Annapolis or elsewhere in the state, our beginner’s MVA practice permit test contains the information you need. Rules of the road and road signs are the same state-wide, so there is no need to look for city-specific learning tools. This MVA learners permit practice test for Maryland students is based around 20 rules of the road and road sign questions. We made the quiz marginally shorter than the real 25-question MVA test, so that it can easily be completed in around five minutes. Students who are working on the MVA practice permit test 2025 quiz benefit from two brilliant study aids, to support them in answering questions correctly. It will take 16 correct permit test answers to pass the quiz and this score is easily achievable in just a few rounds, with the help of our integrated support tools.

We have found that including study aids on the Maryland MVD written test practice quiz helps learners to improve their knowledge faster than they would be able to while relying exclusively on the driver’s manual. At any point throughout this quiz, you can either ask for a clue by clicking the ‘hint’ button or take away half the incorrect multiple choice MVA written test answers by hitting the ‘50/50’ button. Each time you activate these tools you will learn something new and gain confidence answering questions. Eventually, you will be able to work through the whole MVA MD practice test without once accessing the support features.

This Maryland MVA license practice test covers a little of every subject that will appear on the real permit test. However, it does not address any one topic – like road signs, or traffic signals – in detail. Prior to taking the real MVD test in Maryland, you will need to put your knowledge of these wider topics through its paces. When you are ready to focus on road signs, traffic violations or another specific chapter of the MVA handbook, use one of the subject-specific quizzes we provide elsewhere on The final quiz you should use before sitting the real permit test is our super-realistic ‘MVA practice test 500 questions Simulator’.

While using our permit practice tests is a great way to accelerate your learning and improve your chances of passing the Maryland permit test, none of the quizzes we provide can stand in place of the official MVA handbook. The Maryland driver’s handbook is updated regularly and issued by the MVA themselves, making it the most comprehensive and reliable source of study material for the 2025 MVA written test. To gain the greatest advantage from using our Maryland MVA practice tests, we suggest alternating between reading each chapter of the handbook and answering questions with this quiz. When you can comfortably pass every quiz and have finished reading the study material, you should be just about ready for the real general knowledge permit test.