
Maryland MVA Learners Permit Practice Test 5

A great MVA online test for those in a rush! Less than 5 minutes to complete, immediate grading, real MVA permit test answers!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 34 drivers

Maryland Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 25
  • Correct answers to pass: 22
  • Passing score: 88%
  • Test locations: Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Test quirks: The MVA test in Maryland is timed. You are allowed no more than 20 minutes to complete the exam.
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Maryland drivers manual Drivers Manual

Passing the Maryland learners permit test is not as straight-forward as you think. The general knowledge assessment may only contain 25 DMV permit test questions, but it does have a steep pass requirement of 22 correct permit test answers. In reality, the MVA learners permit test is one of the biggest challenges you face as a new driver. Not only are you allowed no more than three incorrect MVA written test answers, you only have 20 minutes to complete the test and hit the minimum pass requirement. In addition to reading the MVA manual, you will need to get plenty of experience with real Maryland driving test questions and answers before sitting the assessment. Our Maryland learners permit practice test will help you achieve this! On this fun, free 2025 MVA practice test for Maryland learners, you will find 20 real road rule and road sign questions from the MVA database.

We have rounded the number of questions on this MVA permit practice test down to just 20, so that even the busiest of driving students can find spare time throughout the day to work on it. From start to finish, you should be able to work through all the MVA questions and answers on this quiz is around five minutes. Unlike the real learners permit test in Maryland, the time it takes you to complete our quiz will not affect your final score. During the MVA assessment, any questions you have not answered within the 20-minute window will automatically be marked as ‘incorrect’. Here, students can take as long as they need to consider and answer each question. There is a timer included on the MVA learners permit practice test MD quiz, which can be used to track your progress and cut back your total finish time once you are more comfortable answering questions.

Our MVA learners permit practice test mirrors the real general knowledge exam in that it covers a little of everything in the MVA book. Most of the questions you encounter here will focus on rules of the road and road signs, though you can also expect to face some material on traffic signals, pavement markings, alcohol awareness, traffic violations and other important subjects discussed in the Maryland learners permit book. It is not essential that you earn a good score on this MVA practice permit test for Maryland drivers the first time you use it, as you are free to re-take it as many times as necessary. Plus, the Maryland MVA written test questions and answers it presents will not change. Our entry-level quiz allows every driver to keep working on the same material until they are 100% happy with their performance.

Once you have hit the 80% pass requirement on this MVA Maryland practice test, you might be wondering what to do next. We recommend progressing your studies by moving on to one of the other Maryland MVA practice tests provided here on Should you find that your road sign or traffic signal knowledge needs a little more work, head over to one of our short, dedicated quizzes that focus exclusively on one of these subjects. For a greater selection of MVA permit practice test Maryland questions, try our full-length MVA cheat sheet or the permit test simulator.

As the Maryland learner’s permit test is randomly generated, you could be asked questions on any of the information in the study guide when sitting the real assessment. Using our realistic Maryland MVA written test practice quizzes will improve your general knowledge but you must remember to read everything in the MVA book thoroughly before taking the assessment.