
Illinois Driving Test Road Signs # 2

Don't miss any of the Illinois driving test signs, prepare for the exam with 20 new sample questions from the 2025 exam!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 71 drivers

Illinois Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 35
  • Correct answers to pass: 28
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Secretary of State (SOS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Illinois Rules of The Road Book
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Illinois drivers manual Drivers Manual

Studying for the Illinois road signs test is not as simple as memorizing a handful of common road signs. There are hundreds of different road signs in use across the state, all of which are represented with permit test questions in the SOS exam database. Neglecting your study of road signs in the run-up to the Illinois DMV test will seriously undermine your chances of passing the assessment. To make sure you have covered all bases and are 100% ready to ace the 2025 DMV written test, we have put together a dedicated Illinois DMV practice test signs quiz, which only contains questions relating to road signs. Keep in mind that the DMV signs test only accounts for a small portion of the overall permit test. This quiz has not been designed to mirror the make-up of the real Illinois DMV permit test, but rather to make sure your road sign knowledge is up to scratch.

There are 35 questions on the road signs and rules of the road test, most of which will focus on road rules. Though the DMV do not state how many questions will be on the traffic signs test portion of the exam paper, you can expect it to be less than half the total number. Typically, road signs account for between 10 and 15 questions on the exam. Even if you end up with a test at the top end of that scale, 15 questions don’t seem like a worrying amount. The problem is that there is no way to predict what 15 signs are on the Illinois driving test, as it is randomly assembled by computer, from a large database of possible questions. Our learners permit practice test Illinois signs quiz presents a selection of different road sign test questions which may appear on the paper; it is not intended to serve as an exact replica of the exam.

When organizing your study plan for the DMV permit test, keep in mind that whether you get 10, 12 or 15 questions on the Illinois permit test signs exam, there are hundreds of different road signs in the DMV database which could be chosen to fill one of the question slots. To make sure you are ready for anything you could be asked, you will need to read the entire road signs section of the rules of the road book, in addition to completing our 2025 DMV practice test Illinois quiz. As a beginner-level DMV practice permit test, this Illinois sign test quiz features just 20 questions which will not change no matter how many times you use it. To ease learners into the testing process gently, we have included questions on this quiz which target many of the more easily recognisable road signs, like ‘STOP’, ‘YIELD’ and ‘DO NOT ENTER’. Among these easy-to-answer questions, the DMV Illinois practice test also includes a few harder questions on rarer warning signs, regulatory signs, work zone signs and guide signs. Throughout the quiz, students have the option to seek help with challenging questions by clicking on one of the two study aids on the page.

Pay attention to the corrections provided throughout this DMV signs practice test and you will soon be able to pass it with a score of 80% or above. At this point, you may wish to take your Illinois driving test signs exam preparation to the next level by working on our full-length driving signs test cheat sheet. That Illinois DMV learners permit practice test is like this quiz in that you will still have access to study aids. However, the questions on the cheat sheet will change each time you use it.