
Illinois Road Signs Driving Test 2025

Learn what 15 signs are on the Illinois driving test with the help of our road signs practice test and pass the first time!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
92% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.6 out of 5 by 77 drivers

Illinois Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 35
  • Correct answers to pass: 28
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Secretary of State (SOS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Illinois Rules of The Road Book
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Illinois drivers manual Drivers Manual

Any learner driver wondering what 15 signs are on the Illinois driving test could be in for a shock when taking the assessment. While it is typical for less than half the questions on the Illinois permit test to focus on road signs, there is no guarantee that will amount to around 15 questions. You could receive as little as five road signs test questions on your exam paper - or as many as 20! Plus, there is no way to know which road signs will be addressed in these questions, as the SOS permit test is randomly generated. Prospective permit holders must make sure they are ready for any traffic signs questions which could arise, to stand a good chance of passing the assessment first time. To help you bring your knowledge of road signs up to scratch, the team here at have created this dedicated Illinois practice driving test road signs quiz.

So, getting ready for the Illinois road signs test is going to take a bit more than memorizing a handful of common signs. To get an idea of the challenge ahead, grab your free copy of the rules of the road book and flick through to the ‘road sign’ section. Here, you will find a list of every regulatory sign, warning sign, work zone sign and guide sign which could be addressed during the learners permit test in Illinois. To prepare, you will need to read through this chapter carefully while engaging in frequent revision with our Illinois driving test signs quiz. This Illinois drivers license practice test includes a total of 20 DMV sign test questions, that remain unchanged no matter how many times you re-start it. Every major category of road sign in addressed during our Illinois driving test practice signs quiz, including many road signs which you should be able to identify right away. When you eventually wish to work with a more extensive and challenging Illinois permit test signs quiz, try moving on to our rotating-question Illinois road signs cheat sheet.

Every question on this 2025 practice permit test is accompanied by Illinois road signs pictures. Like the questions on the real DMV permit test in Illinois, our questions will either show you a picture of a road sign and ask you to choose the correct meaning, or show you a meaning and ask you to choose the correct sign. To pass our traffic signs test quiz, you will need to provide no less than 16 correct permit test answers. There are two study aids present next to every question on the Illinois drivers practice test that have been added to help you hit that passing grade. ‘Hint’ will bring up a clue about the correct answer, and ‘50/50’ will remove half the incorrect answers. We have included these support features to make the road sign test Illinois quiz suitable for new learners, though it is important to keep in mind that the real exam does not give applicants access to study aids.

Remember that the DMV sign test in Illinois is just one part of an overall permit test assessment. When you visit your local exam center in Peoria, Rockford, Chicago or elsewhere, the paper you are given will also contain questions on rules of the road, alcohol awareness, traffic signals and a variety of other topics. When you wish to study for the rules of the road test, try working with our mixed-question Illinois driver test practice quiz.