
Hawaii CDL General Knowledge Practice Test (HI) # 4

The CDL general knowledge test is the hardest exam you will have to take on the way to your license! Prepare with this practice permit test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
96% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.8 out of 5 by 4 drivers

Hawaii CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Customer Services (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Hawaii CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Hawaii drivers manual Drivers Manual

Our DMV general knowledge practice test can help you prepare for your Hawaii permit test in record breaking time. Even if your CDL permit test is fast approaching and you feel completely unprepared, using the 2025 Hawaii general knowledge practice test alongside your other study materials will bring your knowledge up to scratch and leave you confident in your ability to pass the DMV written test. Most importantly, whichever class of commercial drivers permit you are applying for, the 2025 CDL general knowledge exam is the same, making this CDL practice test suitable for all types of CDL permit applicants.

Whether you are looking to drive Class C, Class B or Class A vehicles you will need to pass the Hawaii CDL general knowledge exam with a score of at least 80 percent. Depending on what type of vehicle you want to drive, what type of cargo that vehicle will carry and what type of equipment will be used, you will probably need to pass one or more smaller, specialized permit tests to add endorsements to your license. These might include passenger, Hazmat or Tank endorsements. Air brake endorsements are mandatory for Class B drivers while both Air brake and Combination vehicle endorsements are mandatory for Class A drivers. Each endorsement permit test will feature 20 topic-specific questions which cannot be revised for using this CDL general knowledge practice test for Hawaii. If you’re looking to study for a DMV CDL endorsement you will need to take a separate Hawaii CDL practice test.

The general knowledge exam forms the largest part of the DMV permit test for all classes, featuring 50 multiple choice and “true or false” questions, all of which are based on topics in the Hawaii permit test study guide. Our CDL practice test includes 20 DMV general knowledge test questions that are designed exactly like the questions on the real DMV Hawaii permit test exam, so you’ll get an accurate picture of how well you are likely to perform during the actual assessment. The practice test is shorter than the real CDL general knowledge permit test to enable learners to get through it relatively quickly. No matter how busy you think you are, you can always fit in more DMV permit test practice with this fast and efficient Hawaii DMV general knowledge practice test.

All the information in this practice test reflects actual CDL general knowledge questions and answers for 2025. Topics covered include basic vehicle control, speed management, hazard perception, night driving, hot weather driving, skid control and accident recovery. All the permit test answers can be found in your DMV handbook. We’ve also added useful images and hints to the CDL general knowledge practice test to assist learners in working out the answers for themselves. Just like the real CDL permit test, this practice exam features questions on both road rules and signs, allowing you to revise every aspect of the DMV written test all in one place.

The best news is yet to come – this DMV CDL practice test Hawaii quiz is completely free and is proven to be one of the most effective study tools. Start preparing for your DMV written test now and join the thousands of student drivers passing their CDL general knowledge in Hawaii every month. Once you are happy with your score on this CDL practice test you might consider moving on to the CDL general knowledge cheat sheet which is exactly like the real exam in terms of structure but without the time restriction. Good luck!