
Hawaii CDL Air Brakes Practice Test (HI) 2025

We worked hard so you don't have to! Study real-world Hawaii CDL air brakes test questions and answers and pass the first time!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
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Hawaii CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Customer Services (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Hawaii CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Hawaii drivers manual Drivers Manual

anything larger than a standard Class C vehicle, will need to apply for an Air Brakes or L endorsement. Large, heavy vehicles from Class B and Class A are generally equipped with an air brake system to make it easier for drivers to slow down and stop. There are air brake-specific operation, inspection and maintenance guidelines for commercial drivers to learn, before they may professionally drive a vehicle from these higher weight classes. To get your hands on an Air Brakes endorsement, you will need to study for and pass the Hawaii CDL air brake test, with a score of 80 percent or above. This may sound like a challenge but thankfully, our CDL practice test Hawaii air brakes quiz can help you through it!

The Hawaii CDL practice test air brakes quiz we are offering comes with no strings attached. There is no charge for using our resources, whether you access the CDL air brakes practice test once or one thousand times! In contrast to most other websites which offer CDL practice tests, our focus is providing you with reliable and accurate study tools that can guide you through the entire test-preparation process and improve your chances of scoring a passing grade; we have not just set out to make a profit from a badly-built quiz. This practice CDL test for Hawaii applicants is packed full of authentic air brakes test questions and answers, just like the real assessment. Applying everything you have learned about air brake operation to the questions on this quiz will expose any weak areas in your knowledge, while also making sure you retain the information. There is no better way to boost your chances of landing that essential endorsement!

Not sure if an Air Brakes endorsement is what you need? Let us provide you with some more information! Getting an L endorsement will almost definitely be essential if you hope to drive Class B vehicles such as box-trucks or school buses, or larger Class A combination vehicles. Except in very rare instances, all vehicles from Class B and Class A use air braking systems. Consequently, the Air Brakes endorsement quiz on this page qualifies as both a Class A and Class B practice test for Hawaii CDL learners.

However, if you have not yet passed the CDL general knowledge Hawaii exam, studying for Air Brakes should not be your current focus. All commercial driving applicants must pass the 50-question general knowledge CDL 2025 exam before applying for any additional CDL driving license endorsements. There is no need to worry if you have not yet dealt with that challenging CDL general knowledge DMV written test, as our Hawaii CDL general knowledge practice test can help you! The air brake practice test will still be here when you are ready.

The real DMV CDL air brakes test will present you with in-depth questions on single and dual air brake systems, how to factor air brakes into an inspection routine, pressure maintenance and drainage, stopping distances and various other fundamental aspects of air brake operation. While working on this Hawaii air practice test breaking systems quiz, students will be faced with legitimate questions targeting precisely the same set of subjects, all of which you will need to learn about in detail using the CDL permit test study guide. We have also programmed the Air Brake Class B and Class A license Hawaii practice test to require the same 80 percent passing grade as the real exam, to give you the most realistic experience possible. Why not try the test now?