
Delaware CDL General Knowledge Practice Test (DE) # 4

Back the roots! Passing the Delaware CDL general knowledge test is always the first step towards your commercial drivers license!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 4 drivers

Delaware CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Delaware CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

Are you trying to find a way to increase your chances of passing the CDL general knowledge Delaware permit test? If you were thinking that using a CDL general knowledge practice test for Delaware might be the way forward, we’re happy to tell you that you’re right on the money! Commercial driving students who regularly complete a reputable Delaware CDL practice test general knowledge quiz as part of their exam preparation have a substantially better chance of passing the exam first time, than students who rely on reading the permit test study guide alone. You’ll be pleased to hear that we’ve got a professional quality CDL practice test Delaware general knowledge quiz right here, that you can use. Congratulations! By coming to our website you’ve just given your chances of passing the 2025 DMV written test for Delaware a real boost!

We’re not saying that you should throw your drivers permit book into the trash and rely solely on our Delaware CDL general knowledge practice test to get you through the exam – far from it. The study guide is a vital learning resource, which contains detailed information on every aspect of commercial driving general knowledge. Everything from basic vehicle control theory to safety procedures, road laws and road signs is laid out clearly in the Delaware permit study guide for 2025. You will need to keep referring to it if you want to pass the exam. For the best results, you should use this Delaware DMV general knowledge practice test and the permit book side by side.

We’ve got a couple of different DMV permit test Delaware quizzes on our website, all of which are free to use. If this is your first time attempting to answer any permit test questions, you should stick with this CDL general knowledge practice test for 2025, for the time being. This quiz uses completely authentic CDL general knowledge questions and answers for 2025, but in a shorter-length test than the real exam. So, you’ll be getting a realistic CDL general knowledge test experience, but it an easy-to-manage quiz with just 20 questions. Our other two general knowledge CDL practice tests both include the full 50 permit test questions of the real exam. Of these two, the CDL general knowledge cheat sheet is a logical next step, as it still includes some assistive tools to help you along.

With some support from this amazing Delaware DMV permit test quiz, you’ll have all the permit test answers you need to get through the real commercial driving license permit test in a matter of weeks, rather than months! Our quiz requires exactly the same percentage of questions to be answered correctly for a pass as the real exam does. As you keep using this test and improving your skills, you’ll be able to witness yourself inching closer to that 80 percent cut off point. On the actual DMV Delaware permit test, 80 percent equates to 40 correct questions out of a possible 50. Whereas you’ll need to answer 16 out of 20 questions right on this quiz.

Every correct answer on this test has a brief explanation attached to it, so you can have a better chance of answering questions on that topic correctly in future. Our permit test DMV quiz is programmed to mark each of your permit test answers as you go along, so you can easily gauge your progress. No matter what your personal driving dreams are, this DMV CDL practice test can help you reach them! Shorten your journey to success and start using the quiz now!