
Delaware CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test (DE) 2025

Your success is our mission! Nail your 2025 Delaware CDL combination test with these free DMV practice test questions!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 3 drivers

Delaware CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Delaware CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Delaware drivers manual Drivers Manual

Here on, we build up-to-date and high-quality free CDL practice tests to accompany every DMV written test you might need to take on your journey to becoming a fully-qualified driver. If you are aiming to achieve a Class A commercial driver’s license, you will certainly need the Delaware CDL combination practice test offered on this page. As Class A drivers are responsible for managing some of the largest and most powerful commercial trucks in common use, obtaining a Class A license requires passes on not one, but several DMV permit tests. Depending on the type of Class A truck you intend to operate and the load you will be carrying, pursuing Class A means you will need to pass two mandatory endorsement exams at a minimum, plus the initial CDL general knowledge Delaware permit test. The Delaware CDL combination test is one of the compulsory Class A endorsement tests, for which this DMV CDL practice test for 2025 applicants aims to prepare you.

As you may already have guessed, the CDL combination test for Delaware applicants focuses on a particularly important aspect of Class A vehicle control. That is, the rules, regulations and challenges involved in driving any kind of vehicle towing another. As every vehicle within Class A qualifies as some kind of combination truck-trailer, developing a sound understanding of the study material for this assessment is essential. Our CDL combination practice test for Delaware drivers has been built to mirror the official study material, which you will find in the Combination Vehicles section of the 2025 permit test study guide. To achieve the best results, students should aim to utilize the study material and our DMV practice permit test Delaware quiz side-by-side throughout the entirety of their learning plan. Doing so will give you the chance to apply what you have learned from the manual to real-life questions from the Combination Vehicles exam as you progress, making sure you understand it correctly and remember it for longer.

We aim to provide the most realistic Class A license Delaware practice test experience possible, by designing every question on this quiz to match-up with the information in the permit book and the style of question you will be faced with during the real exam. While working with our Delaware combination CDL practice test you will be asked about railway crossing procedure, combination vehicle parking protocol, changing lanes, how to avoid rolling your vehicle on corners, vehicle inspection and emergency procedures – all of which you can read about in-full, using the driver’s manual. As our team have applied the same 80 percent pass-threshold to this quiz that will be present on the real Delaware combination CDL test, you can use it to accurately gauge your chances of passing the written assessment. There is no limit to the number of attempts you can have at completing the quiz successfully and therefore no need to try and achieve a passing score right away. The 2025 DMV practice test for Delaware learners will provide useful feedback and corrections whenever a mistake is made, facilitating improvements in your grade with each new round you complete.

You should only begin studying for Class A license endorsements having already passed the DMV general knowledge test 2025 exam. That assessment covers basic commercial driving information that relates to every vehicle and role in the industry. It is a large exam but studying for it can be made easy with support from our Delaware DMV general knowledge practice test. When you are done with general knowledge and this Delaware DMV CDL combination practice test, your next move should be studying for the Air Brakes endorsement permit test with the appropriate quiz from our website.