
Colorado DMV Road Signs Test (CO) 2025

Learn the essentials! Your first 20 questions on road signs for the Colorado learners permit test! Great images, immediate grading!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
92% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.6 out of 5 by 13 drivers

Colorado Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 25
  • Correct answers to pass: 20
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Colorado driver's handbook
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Colorado drivers manual Drivers Manual

Some of the questions on the Colorado permit test will focus on state road signs. It is important to dedicate a good portion of your learning time to the study of Colorado road signs, as there is no way to predict which signs you could be asked about during the exam. All the road signs which could be featured on the DMV test for Colorado drivers are listed in the official driver’s handbook. To reinforce what you learn from the guide, we have created a free Colorado road signs test quiz. Access the learners permit practice test Colorado signs quiz from this page by clicking the ‘start’ button. What follows will be a series of genuine DMV signs test questions from general knowledge test papers, just like those which could appear during your DMV permit test. Use the DMV permit practice test to get a taste of what road signs are on the Colorado driving test, before diving into the study material. As the quiz is free to use, you can return as often as you like over the coming weeks to improve on your initial score.

This Colorado DMV practice test signs quiz presents 20 multiple-choice and ‘true or false’ road sign test questions. We have used the same 80% cut-off point for a pass as the real Colorado DMV test, which works out as 16 correct DMV written test answers in total. It does not make a difference how many attempts it takes to hit this score, as the material on our test does not change. As Colorado DMV signs test questions are often difficult to answer, you may only get a handful of questions correct during your initial attempt. If you are keen to find all the correct answers and achieve a high score as quickly as possible, use the free built-in learning tools that are present next to all the questions on the Colorado DMV learners permit practice test. Clicking the ‘hint’ option will bring up a brief clue about the correct answer, which should make it easier to choose the right solution. Clicking the ‘50/50’ button is a good last resort, as it will immediately rule out half the multiple-choice answers from the list.

As this Colorado traffic signs test does not contain any revision material relating to rules of the road, traffic signals or any of the other subjects addressed during the permit test, you will eventually need to use our other resources. Besides the dedicated road sign tests and our road signs DMV cheat sheet, we also provide a wide variety of mixed-topic Colorado DMV practice tests which cover a little of all the topics featured during the 2025 DMV written test. Before broadening your studies to include other subjects, you may wish to take your road sign revision to the next level by working on our DMV cheat sheet. That Colorado DMV license practice test also includes nothing but questions from the driving signs test but has been built to cover a wider range of road signs than this entry-level quiz.

DMV permit practice tests are a great way to brush up on your road sign knowledge in the run-up to the permit test. However, they cannot teach you everything you need to know about Colorado street signs in preparation for the exam. Reading the Colorado driving handbook is the only way to ensure you learn every warning sign, work zone sign, guide sign and regulatory sign that may appear during the written assessment.