
Colorado DMV Practice Permit Test (CO) 2

Colorado permit practice test 2025 - round two! Another twenty awesome permit test questions on signs & rules!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
84% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.2 out of 5 by 35 drivers

Colorado Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 25
  • Correct answers to pass: 20
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Colorado driver's handbook
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Colorado drivers manual Drivers Manual

Taking our Colorado practice permit test is the perfect way to kick-start your study of rules of the road, road signs and other key driver’s ed topics. You will not need a ton of time to work through the quiz, as it features just 20 DMV test questions and should only take around five minutes to complete. Students are free to re-attempt this handy Colorado DMV practice test as many times as they like throughout their studies, simply by returning here and clicking the ‘start’ button on this page. When you can answer 16 questions correctly during a single round, the Colorado DMV license practice test will award you a passing grade. Feel free to keep your driver’s handbook nearby while you work through the test, as you may want to look up answers when you get stuck. Alternatively, use the DMV practice permit tests integrated study tools to help you find the correct DMV written test answers.

Our integrated study aids take the form of two lifelines labelled ‘50/50’ and ‘hint’, which are available next to each of the 20 questions on the Colorado DMV practice test. There will be no lifelines available during the real Colorado permit test but we have included them here as our quiz is primarily a learning tool; it has been designed to improve your driver’s general knowledge, in addition to measuring what you already know. Make our resources a regular part of your study plan and you should have no trouble answering questions without support, once the real DMV test in Colorado comes around. The ‘hint’ lifeline will bring up a clue about the correct answer when activated, making it an ideal ‘first line of defence’ when you run into trouble. When a clue doesn’t solve the problem, activate the ‘50/50’ study aid to instantly delete half the incorrect permit test answers.

Everything you must learn prior to the Colorado DMV test is discussed in the current edition of the DMV handbook. The guide lists all the road signs, road rules, pavement markings and traffic signals which could come up during the randomly generated 2025 DMV written test, along with helpful hints and fantastic illustrations. However, it does not contain a sufficient number of sample practice permit test Colorado questions to let students apply everything they have learned. For this reason, Colorado DMV practice tests are an equally important part of your study plan. Using our quizzes in conjunction with the driver’s handbook will let you track your progress, remedy weak spots in your knowledge and prepare you for the challenge of sitting the assessment. Memorizing every word of the Colorado driving handbook may not be enough to get you through the DMV permit test successfully, unless you have accrued plenty of practice using your new knowledge in a practical way. With the Colorado DMV written test practice quizzes we provide, you can make sure you are ready to answer questions on anything in the study guide.

This beginner-level Colorado DMV practice test presents a fixed sample of 20 questions which will remain the same every time you use it. Passing this quiz with a score of 80% or above shows fantastic progress but it does not mean you are ready to take on the real DMV test. As the assessment is randomly generated and slightly longer than our quiz, we can guarantee you will be asked some rules of the road and road sign questions which are not present here. Before heading off to your nearest exam center in Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder or elsewhere, you should work through and pass every practice test.