West Virginia CDL Tanker Practice Test (WV) 2025
Tired of reading the drivers book? Take a break, take a free West Virginia tanker test, take a ride to the DMV, pick up your CDL!
West Virginia CDL Test Facts
- Questions: 50
- Correct answers to pass: 40
- Passing score: 80%
- Test locations: Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
- Test languages: English, Spanish
- Based upon: West Virginia CDL Manual
Are you wondering if Tanker Vehicle rules and regulations are covered in the CDL general knowledge WV exam? The DMV general knowledge test only deals with driving knowledge that applies to all vehicles and commercial driving roles, such as rules of the road, basic vehicle control, highway signs and commercial driving regulations. Sadly, this means that the vehicle and cargo-specific knowledge you need to operate a tank-truck is dealt with on a separate assessment: The West Virginia CDL tanker test. To become a qualified tanker vehicle driver, you must pass the CDL general knowledge test, the Tanker Vehicles endorsement test and at least one other endorsement exam. Our WV tanker vehicles endorsement practice test can help you study for the Tanker Vehicles N endorsement exam, when the time is right to do so.
As you cannot put in any license endorsement applications without already having passed the general knowledge test, new applicants should visit the page housing our West Virginia CDL general knowledge practice test and return to this DMV tanker practice test later, as there are no general knowledge DMV permit test questions here. The WV DMV practice test 2025 tanker vehicles quiz only deals with information relating to the N endorsement exam; in fact, it covers everything discussed in the Tanker Vehicles chapter of the permit test study guide. Anything you must know to pass the exam and operate a tanker vehicle safely and efficiently is contained in that single chapter of the guide, making it easy to look up information as you learn. Completing a round on this Class A and Class B practice test for West Virginia drivers before looking up study material in the handbook can be a smart move, as it will give you an idea of which Tanker Vehicles sub-topics will be most heavily addressed during the real assessment. While it will be necessary to read the entire chapter, certain subjects deserve more attention than others.
The WV tanker permit can only be added to Class B or Class A licenses, as it is impossible for a tank-truck to be ranked at Class C. This means that you should pass any mandatory endorsement exams you require, prior to sitting the Tanker Vehicles permit test. Class A licenses warrant a Combination Vehicles endorsement and an Air Brakes endorsement, while only the latter license add-on is obligatory at Class B. Speak to your current or potential employer about the class of your vehicle before using this CDL tanker practice test for West Virginia drivers, otherwise you could end up sitting assessments in the wrong order or applying for qualifications that you don’t need. Thankfully, you will not have to go very far in search of learning resources for the other endorsement exams, as we offer appropriate free CDL practice tests here on ePermitTest.com.
Depending on the type of liquid your tanker vehicle carries, it may be necessary to acquire a hazmat endorsement in addition to a tank-truck permit. This would not apply to harmless liquid cargos such as water or liquid food products but would be required in the case of hazardous liquid cargos such as industrial chemicals and gas. Students can check out the Hazmat endorsement study material with our DMV CDL practice test WV quiz for H endorsement applicants, when they are finished using the Tanker Vehicles quiz.
Why not complete a round on the West Virginia tanker vehicles endorsement practice test right now? For most students, it takes no more than five minutes to work through.
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