
Utah DMV Drivers License Renewal Test 2025

A quick Utah DMV 20 question renewal test 2025. New random questions every time, based on the 2025 DMV written test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 4 drivers

Utah Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Utah drivers manual Drivers Manual

Unfortunately, passing the theory learners permit test in Utah does not necessarily mean you are done with DMV tests for the rest of your driving life. It is important to maintain your rules of the road and road sign knowledge, as you may be asked to pass an exam to renew your Utah drivers license. We understand that preparing for any DMV permit test can be a stressful experience and have therefore created the DMV renewal practice test for 2025 applicants which starts on this page. If you need to sit the DMV renewal test in 2025, our refresher DMV written practice test can get you through it!

Not all drivers need to pass a Utah drivers license renewal test. Whether this assessment applies to you will depend on the circumstances surrounding your renewal – though, be aware that there are always exceptions. If you are at all unsure whether you will need to take on the license renewal test, we strongly recommend clarifying the issue with your local DMV officials. Give the office in Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden or wherever is closest a quick call and they will be able to advise you. Stick with us a little longer and we will explain who may need to use this DMV permit practice test for Utah drivers.

Generally, any driver whose circumstances suggest that their road rule and road sign knowledge may not be up-to-scratch would be required to sit the DMV Utah License renewal test. DMV offices in other states define such circumstances differently, but here in Utah you will be asked to sit the assessment if your license has been expired for six months or longer; you have been subject to more than four citations in five years or your license has been revoked. If any of these things apply to you and you are hoping to renew your driver’s license, it would be wise to start working with our DMV practice permit test Utah refresher quiz as soon as possible.

In truth, license-renewal time is a great opportunity for all road users to refresh their theory knowledge with our DMV practice renewal test for 2025. Irrespective of whether you are required to pass another theory test, it is important that your road rule and road sign knowledge is still in good shape. You might think you are all set if you have been driving without incident for a year or more, but the likelihood is that you will have forgotten some key information during that time. Even if that is not the case, there is every chance that the DMV will have released new editions of the permit book since you passed the assessment, to accommodate changes made to driving laws and rules of the road. It does not take long to put your driver’s theory knowledge through its paces. A few rounds on this 2025 DMV practice test for Utah learners should do the trick and will take no more than 20 to 30 minutes.

Every major topic that you will be asked about during a Utah license renewal test has been covered on this quiz, including DUI offences, traffic violations, lane usage, road signs, road markings and vehicle control. As the 20 questions it contains will change each time you use it, we suggest working through the DMV Utah practice test regularly until you can pass it with 16 correct permit test answers or more each time. Good luck!