
Ohio Temps Practice Test 2025

Going back to the roots. Traffic rules, road signs, alcohol awareness - this Ohio temps practice test has everything and it is FREE!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 263 drivers

Ohio Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 40
  • Correct answers to pass: 30
  • Passing score: 75%
  • Test locations: Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Ohio drivers manual Drivers Manual

Start studying for the Ohio temps test today, using the free practice temps test on this page. Suitable for all first-time drivers in the state, this fantastic quiz contains real Ohio driving test questions and answers, just like those you will be assigned during the general knowledge permit test. Like the real temp test, this Ohio temps practice test covers both rules of the road and road signs. There are just 20 questions on this quiz, so it should not take more than five to ten minutes to complete. Find out what to expect from the real BMV temps test and start brushing up on your general knowledge, by clicking the ‘start’ button now.

In addition to being the perfect revision tool for new drivers, our Ohio BMV practice temps test can be used by experienced drivers wishing to prepare for a license renewal exam. There are several other practice permit tests here on which also target the renewal license test, which you can use once you are satisfied with your grade here. As you know, the real Ohio temp test is quite extensive, featuring 40 multiple-choice and ‘true or false’ temp test questions and answers. The assessment will be split into two even halves, with 20 questions reserved for rules of the road and the remaining 20 targeting road signs. Our Ohio temps test practice quiz is half the size of the real exam, to ease you into the revision process without being overwhelming. This 2025 BMV practice test Ohio quiz makes the ideal place to begin your learning journey, as it also contains study aids to help you out with difficult questions if you get stuck. As your confidence with the study material improves, you can progress to using on of our full-length Ohio practice permit test quizzes. We also offer subject-specific quizzes which focus exclusively on one aspect of the study material, such as road signs or alcohol awareness. It is advisable to work through those Ohio temp practice test quizzes once you are done using this entry-level test, to make sure your knowledge is strong in all areas.

There is much to learn before you can obtain a Temporary Instruction Permit Identification Card (TIPIC) to start practicing your driving skills. Thankfully, using our Ohio temps test practice quizzes will hasten your progress and make the whole experience more enjoyable. Answers are marked instantly as you work through the test, so you will always be able to see which answer you should have chosen when you make a mistake. There are also feedback comments provided next to each correction, to help you understand where you went wrong.

This BMV practice permit test Ohio quiz and the other resources we provide are intended for use alongside the official temps book, which is available as a free digital download here on With so many road rules, road signs and traffic signals to memorize in the run-up to the BMV permit test, it is impossible to be fully prepared unless you have read the Ohio driving test book from cover to cover. Fortunately, using our Ohio temp test practice quiz will make working through the study guide much more fun and will ensure you retain the information for long enough to pass the BMV temp test. It takes 16 correct permit test answers to pass this quiz; will you manage to hit that score during your first attempt? It does not matter how many rounds you complete in pursuit of a satisfactory grade, as the temps test quiz comes with unlimited re-tests!