
Ohio CDL Drivers License Test (OH) Simulator 2025

Work on the Ohio commercial drivers license test Simulator before you hit the real BMV permit test!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 9 drivers

Ohio CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Ohio CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Ohio drivers manual Drivers Manual

If you’re just about ready to go down to your local BMV office and tackle the CDL temps test, why not give yourself some added peace of mind and check out our Ohio permit test Simulator first? If you’re not 100 percent certain you can pass the BMV permit test, why waste your money and your time taking the real BMV written test 2025 for Ohio right away? There is no need to be hasty, especially when you can use this Ohio learners permit test Simulator a few times and remove all doubt from your mind!

But this is just another CDL practice test, right? Now that’s where you’re wrong. What you’ve found on this website is no average DMV practice permit test. This BMV practice test 2025 Ohio Simulator quiz comes closer to replicating the real BMV written test than any other online permit practice test ever has. The only difference between this Ohio CDL practice test and the real temps test, is that one of them requires you to travel to a BMV test office, while the other can be taken without you moving from your chair! That’s right, now you can take a genuine BMV Ohio permit test, without leaving your home or paying out a penny!

Excited? You should be! If you can pass this free permit test BMV Simulator, you know you’ll be able to pass your actual CDL temps test. How can we be so sure? Let’s answer that question by telling you a little more about this Ohio CDL general knowledge practice test Simulator. One of the really winning features of this quiz is that all the permit test questions it presents have come from an actual permit test paper, or have been designed by commercial driving experts who know everything there is to know about the current road rules and CDL general knowledge for Ohio. Not many other CDL practice tests can boast such authenticity. Though this isn’t the only thing this Simulator has going for it; unlike other CDL practice quizzes, the BMV test questions on the temps test Simulator are not fixed. This means you will get given a new set of questions, selected from our enormous store of possible questions, every single time you take the test!

What this means in terms of pre-test preparation is that each new time you complete the test, you’ll become more proficient in CDL general knowledge. Just like the real deal, this BMV permit test Ohio Simulator requires 40 out of 50 multiple choice questions to be answered correctly for the student to secure a passing grade. This test is totally free and there is no limit to the number of times you use it, so you should keep taking the test until you have scored above 90 percent, or 45 questions correct, four or five times in succession. If you can achieve that, you should be able to head down to the BMV test center completely confident in your ability to get a great score on the real permit test.

Don’t get frustrated if you use the BMV test Ohio Simulator and find you are way off scoring a passing grade; you might just need to have a few attempts at one of our other CDL practice tests that come with study aids. You could use the 2025 CDL general knowledge test or the CDL general knowledge cheat sheet, if you want something longer. Take the Ohio DMV written test Simulator quiz now, and find out how far you have to go!