
New York CDL Hazardous Materials Practice Test (NY) 2025

Tired of reading the drivers book? Take a break, take a free New York HazMat test, take a ride to the DMV, pick up your CDL!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 39 drivers

New York CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: New York CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official New York drivers manual Drivers Manual

Are you going to need a NY hazmat endorsement for your commercial driving license? This qualification is most commonly associated with Class B and Class A licenses, though there are some rare instances in which it may be required for a Class C license. If you intend to work in a driving role than involves the transportation of materials deemed hazardous to human health or the environment, it is likely you will need to obtain an H endorsement by sitting the New York CDL hazmat test. There are only two resources you really need to prepare for this extensive endorsement DMV written test, both of which can be accessed here on The first is our NY hazmat endorsement practice test, which is designed to accompany the second – the official CDL permit test study guide. Once you have checked out the NY DMV CDL practice test you can download your free digital copy of the permit book here or from the DMV website.

A full run-down of all cargos that will require a hazmat endorsement can be found in the NY hazmat study guide section of the driver’s handbook. Qualifying materials include but are not limited to corrosive substances, radioactive materials, toxins, poisons, explosives and highly-flammable materials. A great deal of the information in the study guide pertaining to the New York DMV hazmat test centers around hazardous material identification and placards, which will need to be displayed on the vehicle you drive. Memorizing these images and their meanings is quite an intimidating task, but our CDL hazmat practice test for NY applicants can assist you in learning them all quickly. Free CDL practice tests are particularly useful in assessing your ability to recall this kind of information.

The handbook will also teach you everything you need to know about containment rules, properties of different materials, loading and unloading procedures, dealing with leaks and emergency procedures. We have also taken care to include a number of permit test questions on this NY hazmat practice test 2025 quiz which reference these topics. Applying what you have studied in the permit book to these real-world DMV test questions will ensure you remember the information for longer and can use it practically in an exam-like situation. Many students from New York City, Albany, Rochester and elsewhere in the state have managed to secure first-time passes on this challenging endorsement DMV test, thanks largely to regular work with our NY CDL practice test.

As it is quite common for hazardous materials to be transported in liquid-transportation tank-trucks, you may also need our New York DMV practice permit test for the Tanker Vehicles endorsement exam to study for this qualification. It will also be worth finding out from your current or prospective employer whether the vehicle you are learning to drive falls into the Class B or Class A category, as there are mandatory license add-ons associated with each of these weight classes. Of course, your very first task will be passing the DMV general knowledge test 2025 exam! Don’t worry if you have yet to achieve this, as our NY CDL general knowledge practice test can get you started.

Working with this NY hazmat practice test DMV exam is not going to cost you a penny as every resource we offer on is free and open access. Once you are satisfied with your grade on this quiz, you might consider stepping up your permit test preparation game and using our advanced hazmat test cheat sheet. Enjoy!