
Minnesota CDL Hazardous Materials Practice Test (MN) 2025

Don't let the Minnesota CDL HazMat test stress you! Nail your exam with the help of this free CDL practice test! Based on the real exam!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
94% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 22 drivers

Minnesota CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Public Safety (DPS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: MN CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Minnesota drivers manual Drivers Manual

Are you wondering what the commercial driver’s hazmat endorsement is used for? The H endorsement is awarded upon successful completion of the Minnesota CDL hazmat test, qualifying holders to transport materials which are considered hazardous to human health or the environment as part of their commercial driving role. If your driving job will require you to handle or transport materials which explosive, radioactive, corrosive, poisonous, toxic or flammable, it is likely you will need an MN hazmat permit. You can find out what the permit test for this qualification will be like and start familiarizing yourself with the knowledge required to pass it, using our CDL hazmat practice test for Minnesota applicants. A complete breakdown of everything you must learn to pass the MN hazmat test is located in a dedicated chapter of the commercial driving permit test study guide. One glance at the material contained in this section is enough to put many driving students off applying for this endorsement! The amount of technical knowledge required to transport dangerous substances safely is vast, but you can make rapid progress and understand everything easily, with the support provided by this Minnesota hazmat endorsement practice test.

Adding a hazmat endorsement to your commercial driving permit will open up a ton of great work opportunities, when you pass your overall license test. Not many drivers hold this qualification, which would make you a valuable asset across many industries! Hazardous liquids such as gas, other fuels and industrial chemicals are some of the most frequently transported goods and waste items across the United States. Keep in mind that hazardous materials such as these would be carried in a tanker vehicle and would therefore also demand a Tanker Vehicles N endorsement. Should you choose to pursue this qualification after passing the hazmat test, you can begin studying with the DMV CDL practice test MN tank-truck test we provide elsewhere on this website. In addition to that quiz and the Minnesota hazmat practice test 2025 quiz, is home to a number of other high-quality free CDL practice tests which can guide you through each stage of your commercial driving theory assessments. For the initial CDL general knowledge test 2025 exam, our MN DPS general knowledge practice test makes the perfect self-assessment tool.

Following the general knowledge assessment and prior to the Minnesota DMV hazmat test, it is likely you will need our Air Brakes DMV practice permit test as H endorsements are usually applied to Class A and Class B air brake-equipped vehicles. If the vehicle you intend to drive qualifies as Class A, passing the Combination Vehicles endorsement exam will also be necessary. It is best to deal with the Air Brakes permit test and Combination Vehicles permit test prior to the hazmat exam if those endorsements are required, as they are compulsory for all vehicles above a certain size, whereas the H endorsement is not. When you have ascertained which obligatory endorsements you need and acquired them through passing the appropriate permit tests, you can start using this hazmat CDL practice test to study H endorsement rules and regulations.

Complimenting the H endorsement study material in the driver’s manual, this practice CDL test for MN hazmat drivers will pose you questions on containment rules, material properties and identification, loading procedures, supervision rules, dealing with emergencies, checking for leaks and hazardous material warning placards. These CDL hazmat test questions and answers for Minnesota drivers are exactly like those on the real DMV permit test – in many cases they have appeared on genuine exam papers in the past. Find out what is in store for you during the H endorsement exam, start using our 2025 practice permit test today!