
Maryland CDL Drivers License Test (MD) Simulator 2025

The ultimate Maryland CDL practice test! 50 new MVA test questions and answers every time, no cheats and study aids!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
92% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.6 out of 5 by 12 drivers

Maryland CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Maryland CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Maryland drivers manual Drivers Manual

If you can’t wait to get the DMV permit test for Maryland out of the way so your commercial driving learners permit is in the bag, hold up for a second – we’ve got something for you! Now there is a way you can find out for certain if you’re actually ready to take the MVA test in Maryland, or if you’re letting your enthusiasm get the better of you. Let’s face it, the last thing any commercial driving student wants is to make the journey to the MD MVA test center, only to discover they are woefully unprepared for the exam and have wasted their time. We’re not trying to put you off taking the test, quite the contrary! We just want you to feel completely confident in your ability to pass, and our MVA permit test Simulator is going to make it happen!

Why jump in the deep end and take your chances with the real learners permit test for Maryland, when there is a way you can make absolutely sure you are prepared? Not only that, but it’s completely free and you can do it without ever getting up off the couch. This simulator-style MVA CDL practice test for Maryland is so precisely similar to the real exam, that it can give you an accurate indication of whether your CDL general knowledge is good enough to go the distance. If you can consistently get a passing grade on this CDL general knowledge practice test for Maryland, we’d bet good money that you can nail the actual permit test – the premise behind this 2025 CDL practice test is that simple!

Now, we understand that there are a whole lot of so-called permit test Simulator quizzes online, so what is so different about ours? Well aside from the fact that unlike many other websites, all the CDL practice tests we offer are completely free, this Maryland MVA written test Simulator takes authenticity to a whole new level. We include 50 multiple-choice and “true or false” permit test questions on this quiz, each of which has either been taken from an actual exam paper, or designed in accordance with the Maryland permit study guide for 2025. Just like the real Maryland MVA permit test, this quiz will measure your understanding of key CDL topics such as basic vehicle control, road signs and road rules, effective communication, the effects of drugs, alcohol and fatigue on your driving, spatial awareness, shifting gears and many others!

We’ve set up this Maryland CDL practice test to require the same 80 percent passing grade as the real exam, that’s 40 correct questions out of a possible 50. If you’re serious about making sure you can pass the actual 2025 MVA written test, we suggest completing this test at least once a day in the week preceding the exam – ideally until you find yourself getting at least 45 permit test answers correct every time. You do not have to worry about becoming too familiar with the DMV test questions on this MVA practice permit test, because each new round on the quiz will automatically generate a fresh set of 50 questions from our enormous database. Even if you took this permit test MVA Simulator 100 times – its very unlikely you would ever take the exact same test twice.

This CDL MD practice test does not come with any guidance aids at all; we wanted it to be realistic so we’re not offering you any help! If you feel you’re not quite ready for a quiz without support yet, that’s fine! Have a go at our DMV cheat sheet instead, then come back to the Simulator later!