You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive drivers ed classes to prepare for your permit test, there are plenty of free resources you can use and the official Kansas driving handbook 2025 is one of them!  The entire driving test is built around information presented in the book!  Grab your copy of the drivers manual now and read on to find out how to get the most out of the DMV booklet and what chapters you will be tested on when you show at at the DMV!

Unfortunately for all us, the DMV in Kansas has really dropped the ball while working on the official drivers license handbook.  Compared to similar publications in other states, the DMV handbook is dull, poorly structured, lacks proper imagery and it does not even get updated in a timely fashion - the DMV tends to release a new version of the book once every couple of years, not bothering with annual updates.  Considering the fact that the 2025 Kansas driving handbook is expected to set a benchmark for driving safety education, it is a really poor effort and we hope that in the years to come, the state will do everything in its power to design a learners permit handbook that will actually make people want to read it.

Students who are getting ready to take the official Kansas DMV written test for the first time can skip the introductory section and jump straight to page 10, titled "Section 2 - Laws and Rules of the Road".   This section covers speed limits, seat belt laws, the rules of passing and many other important things.  Sadly, as noted above, none of the concepts are illustrated and you just have to suffer through reading plain dull text (some black and white images will start appearing in one of the later chapters, if that's any consolation).    You will need to cover everything up to and including section 10 of the Kansas driving manual, but do stop once you cover Special Driving Situations unless you have plenty of free time and cannot find something better to do.

While the driver handbook does offer a few sample permit test questions and has self-assessment quizzes at the end of almost every chapter, most of these quizzes are quite short and can hardly be awarded the title of exemplary study aids.  Those of you wishing for more DMV practice tests are more than welcome to check out the collection we have prepared for you, every Kansas permit practice test you see on the website is free and you can work on them as much as you want.  Start with the very first learners permit test, then build up to the DMV cheat sheet and the drivers license test Simulator.  Note: while practice test are significantly more fun, they are still not a substitute to reading the official Kansas driving handbook, you should do both.  We know how painful reading the book really is, so try it break it up into short 10-15 minute sessions.  Read a little every time and you will get there! Good luck!

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