
Hawaii DMV Motorcycle Driving Test (HI) # 6

More Hawaii motorcycle drivers license test questions is what we have for you! Dive right in!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 2 drivers

Hawaii Motorcycle Test Facts

  • Questions: 25
  • Correct answers to pass: 20
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Customer Services (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Hawaii drivers manual Drivers Manual

Do you know which DMV test questions you will encounter on the motorcycle permit test in Hawaii? We are betting the answer is no! Aside from anything, it is impossible to predict precisely which questions will appear on the test, as they are changed slightly every time to prevent students from cheating. All any student can do to prepare for the permit test is ensure they’ve studied every topic which will be addressed on the exam paper in as much detail as possible. If you want to be absolutely certain you have what it takes to pass first time, you should spend some time working on our practice motorcycle permit test in addition to reading the motorcycle DMV handbook.

The benefits of working on a Hawaii DMV motorcycle practice test really cannot be overstated – they are widely considered to be one of the most effective permit test preparation tools! Every day in Honolulu, Kailua, Kapolei and all over Hawaii, motorcycle driving students are acing their DMV written test with a little assistance from the resources we offer on our website. You can join them and get your feet on the road to success today by testing your knowledge with our free motorcycle practice test. Yes, you did read that correctly. Unlike many other websites that offer this kind of service, every quiz you’ll find here on is free to use! You can view your grade and re-take the test an unlimited number of times without ever having to pay a penny. For this reason, you can begin using our quizzes as early as you like without worrying whether your knowledge is advanced enough to score well.

The DMV practice permit test for Hawaii you’ve discovered on this page features true-to-life permit test questions which could easily come up on the actual exam. In fact, many of them have appeared on genuine Hawaii learners permit test papers in the past! We haven’t simply thrown together these questions without care; your learning is our top-priority, so we check every single question included on the Hawaii DMV permit practice test against the 2025 DMV handbook to ensure their on-going accuracy and relevance.

Want to know what kind of questions you will encounter while you are working on this DMV learners permit practice test for Hawaii? If you fire up the quiz you can find out for yourself – but we’re happy to give you a little preview! Essentially, the same topics which will come up on the real permit test will be equally represented on this permit test quiz. To learn to drive on the roads safely, motorcycle students are required to develop an in-depth knowledge of safety best practices such as defensive driving techniques, forming safe driving habits and avoiding accidents. These issues make up around half the questions on the real exam and this Hawaii DMV practice test. The remaining topics which will appear on the exam focus on general driving knowledge such as rules of the road, road sign meanings, fines, penalties and driving laws. Before you ask, yes – we have DMV test questions for these topics on our DMV motorcycle practice test for Hawaii students too!

Working on a motorcycle permit practice test does not have to be time-consuming; in fact, it is a great way to fit more study time into even the busiest of schedules. While this quiz is not timed, most motorcycle students can work through all the questions in around five minutes. If you have that time to spare now, why not give the test a try?