
Georgia CDL Air Brakes Practice Test (GA) 2025

Don't stress over the Georgia CDL test, nail it the first time with new free Georgia air brakes test questions and answers!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
94% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 22 drivers

Georgia CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Driver Services (DDS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Georgia CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Georgia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Do you hope to become a commercial driver in Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah or anywhere else in the state of Georgia? Which endorsements you need to add to your commercial driving learners permit will depend on the size of vehicle you hope to drive and whether there is any specialist knowledge associated with your cargo. Of all the endorsement exams available, the DDS CDL air brakes test is among the most popular. Every Class B and Class A commercial vehicle must be equipped with air brakes by law, which means that every driver of vehicles within these higher two weight classes must obtain an Air brakes L endorsement before learning to drive. The GA CDL practice test air brakes quiz you have found on this page is designed to help students prepare for the air brakes DDS permit test.

So, what kind of vehicles are categorized as Class B or Class A? Anything larger than a regular car is likely to fit into these classes. If you intend to drive a box-truck, combination single, double or triple-trailer truck, tanker vehicle, school bus or anything of similar size, you’re going to need this free CDL air brakes practice test to study for the L endorsement exam. However, if you have yet to sit any DMV written tests, our Georgia air practice test is not the quiz you should be working with right now! All commercial driving students must pass the CDL general knowledge GA permit test to prove their knowledge of general road rules, road signs and basic vehicle operation is sufficient, before sitting any license endorsement exams. Thankfully, you will not have to go far to find a DDS learners permit practice test for Georgia drivers than can help you prepare for the DDS general knowledge test. Our GA CDL practice test general knowledge quiz specifically targets that assessment!

In preparation for the Georgia CDL air brake test you will need one other resource besides this DMV permit test quiz; if you have already passed the CDL general knowledge test then you probably have it already! Your GA CDL general knowledge study guide contains a dedicated chapter for drivers who are studying for the air brakes endorsement test. Everything you must know to work with a Class A or Class B air brake-fitted vehicle is contained within these pages of the manual. As our CDL practice test Georgia air brakes quiz has been designed with close attention to the 2025 study guide, it will present you with a range of DDS test questions targeting every essential Air Brakes topic. You can expect to be quizzed on air brake components, maintaining appropriate pressure in air tanks, maintenance and repair of air brake systems, breaking distances, vehicle inspection and much more. The questions on our Class B and Class A license GA practice test are so authentic, that they could easily come up during the real permit test. In fact, many have been taken from real-life exam papers.

As this air practice test for Georgia drivers is open-access, you are free to re-take it and work on your score as often as you like in the run-up to your exam. The quiz will grade your permit test answers immediately, allowing you to focus on each topic individually, take note of any corrections and watch your score develop as you go along. With the support tools and fantastic imagery included on the air brake practice test, you should be able to improve on your grade with every new round. Good luck!