
Washington DC CDL Air Brakes Practice Test 2025

Unlock the 2025 Washington DC CDL test with the help of these free sample questions! air brakes questions only!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
86% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.3 out of 5 by 3 drivers

Washington DC CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Washington DC DMV CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official District of Columbia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Are you wondering which endorsements you might need for your commercial driving learners permit? The information provided here on should hep you decide which of the CDL license endorsements are required for your chosen driving role. If you intend to drive any Class A or Class B commercial vehicle, it is safe to say that you will at least need to acquire an Air Brakes or L endorsement by sitting the Washington DC CDL air brake test. In studying for this DMV written test, the DC CDL practice test air brakes quiz on this page can help you. Totally free to use for all commercial driving applicants in the District of Columbia, this air practice test is designed to work in harmony with the Air Brakes section of the permit test study guide, to get you ready for the exam in the shortest possible time – while also increasing the likelihood that you will pass it!

The DMV CDL air brakes test is one of the more commonly undertaken endorsement exams, as it is mandatory for every Class B and Class A commercial driving student. Vehicles within these two classes include but are not limited to flat-bed trucks, liquid transporting tank trucks, school buses, interstate buses, combination single, double and triple trailer vehicles, livestock carriers and box-trucks. As the Air Brakes endorsement is compulsory, you should study for and pass it using this Class B and Class A practice test for Washington DC drivers, prior to considering any of the other optional endorsement exams. Keep in mind that Class A vehicle permit applicants will also need our DC DMV practice test 2025 quiz for the Combination Vehicles endorsement, which is a set-requirement for Class A. Before applying for compulsory endorsements associated with your vehicle-class, you must have secured a passing grade of 40 correct permit test answers or above on the 50-question general knowledge CDL test Washington DC exam. If this is something you have yet to achieve, we suggest using our DC DMV general knowledge practice test and returning to this CDL air brakes practice test later.

Have you got your free PDF copy of the commercial driver’s permit book from the DMV website? Great! Let’s discuss what you can expect from the Air Brakes L endorsement study material and this air practice test for Washington DC students. Reading the dedicated Air Brakes chapter of the study guide will teach you practical skills and knowledge which you will need when operating a vehicle fitted with air brakes. Our DC CDL practice test features questions on every topic in the handbook, including air brake system components, braking distances, air brake repair, draining air tanks, ideal air tank pressure. These Washington DC air test practice questions are indistinguishable from those you will face on the real permit test, featuring two to five possible answers of which only one is correct. Our quiz will make it easy to identify weak areas in your knowledge and learn from your mistakes, by correcting any incorrect responses you enter with the right answer from the remaining selection.

Not only is this CDL air brake test DC quiz free to use, it also comes with unlimited re-tests. You are free to begin using the test as early as you like, returning to it as often as needed to improve your grade. Just remember to keep reading the permit test study guide and taking note of the feed back provided on our DMV Washington DC practice test. You may just be surprised how quickly you achieve a perfect score!