
Arizona Permit Practice Test (AZ) 2025

Great for beginners and advanced users, an "all-inclusive" Arizona permit practice test is the best thing since the crocs sandals!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 72 drivers

Arizona Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Arizona drivers license manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Arizona drivers manual Drivers Manual

Learning to drive is a complex process which begins with the Arizona permit test. Featuring questions on rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals and other essential driving information, the AZ MVD permit test covers everything that new drivers must know before getting on the road. If you are ready to begin studying for that assessment, you are in the right place. On this page, you have unlimited access to our Arizona DMV practice permit test for 2025 license applicants. Working through this quiz will give you an idea of what the permit test questions on the real DMV permit test are like, how much you already know and what more there is to learn. Designed to offer an easy introduction to the study of road rules, road signs and other key topics, our Arizona permit practice test will get your learning journey off to a good start.

This AZ practice permit test includes 20 DMV questions and answers, which touch upon every major subject you will be studying prior to the permit test. We have made this beginner-level quiz shorter than the real permit test for Arizona learners, to make sure busier students can find time to work on it. Even if you have no previous experience with real AZ driving test questions and answers, you should not need more then five minutes to complete the test. It will take 16 correct Arizona permit test answers to score a pass, which works out as the same percentage pass requirement as the real exam. While working through the DMV practice permit test AZ quiz, you will encounter some questions that are relatively easy to answer and others which are a bit more challenging. If you get stuck, use one of the test’s built in support features to simplify the question. ‘Hint’ generates helpful clues about the correct MVD written test answers, while ‘50/50’ can be used to remove half the incorrect responses. When activated together, these tools make it extremely likely that you will be able to choose the correct answer.

As the DMV Arizona written test questions and answers on this 2025 permit practice test address every core driver’s ed topic, the quiz can also be used by existing drivers who wish to brush up on their road rule or road sign knowledge. This may be necessary if you have allowed your license to expire, as you could be asked to take another general knowledge test to renew it. If this is the case, you will find several other dedicated renewal practice permit tests here on which can help you. The introductory DMV AZ practice permit test on this page is just one of several study resources we provide that are aimed at first-time drivers in the state. You will eventually need to explore road rules, road signs and traffic signals in a little more detail. When you are ready, check out our subject-specific quizzes which focus exclusively on this material.

The main thing that new drivers in Tucson, Scottsdale, Phoenix and elsewhere in Arizona must prioritize is reading the official DMV permit book. That manual breaks down everything you will be assessed on during the AZ learners permit test, into easily digestible chapters. Our Arizona DMV practice permit tests can help you get ready for the assessment faster, but they cannot replace the permit test book altogether. Start reading the AZ drivers manual in conjunction with our self-assessment quizzes, and you will soon be ready to take on the DMV permit test.