
Arizona DMV Commercial Drivers License Cheat Sheet (AZ) 2025

A weapon of mass-destruction for the Arizona commercial license test! Over 300 DMV permit test questions with study aids!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
92% of students found this test helpful!
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Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.Created with Sketch.
Rated 4.6 out of 5 by 14 drivers

Arizona CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Arizona CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Arizona drivers manual Drivers Manual

Are you fed up of leafing through the Arizona DMV handbook to find permit test answers for your CDL MVD learners permit test? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Our DMV cheat sheet can help you find the correct answers for all the permit test questions you could possibly be asked during the real DMV permit test. Using a CDL practice test is a great way to measure what you have already learned from reading the material in the AZ permit study guide for 2025. However, the best CDL practice tests are the ones which also offer students support, rather than simply testing them on their existing knowledge. Why? Because without that support, if you get stuck on a tricky topic, the only thing you can do is open up the DMV handbook again and get reading.

This CDL general knowledge cheat sheet will give you all the help you need if you run into trouble answering any DMV test questions. You won’t have to waste time referring back to the permit test study guide for more information. In this way, you can use this permit test DMV cheat sheet to measure your general knowledge capability, and to identify and improve on weak areas in your understanding. This Arizona CDL practice test is one of the most well-rounded learning tools you will find anywhere on the internet – if we do say so ourselves!

Work your way through this DMV practice test 2025 AZ quiz at your own pace, as it doesn’t come with a time limit. Feel free to keep your study guide with you in case you want to refer to it, but you will probably find it’s not necessary. If you come across a question you’re not sure about, you have a couple of built-in support tools available to you. We recommend you use the “hint” function first; selecting this option will prompt the DMV practice permit test to give you more information about the question and topic, helping you to better understand what is being asked of you so you can reach the correct answer yourself! Your second option is to use the “50/50” function on the Arizona permit test cheat sheet to remove half of the possible answers, increasing your chances of choosing the right answer from the multiple-choice selection.

Aside from these incredibly useful study aids, this DMV written test 2025 AZ cheat sheet is exactly like the real permit test. Every DMV CDL practice test on the website uses up-to-date questions taken from real exam papers or based on the current study guide. This test is no exception, you’ll only ever be asked 100 percent authentic questions! Just like the real Arizona DMV permit test, our cheat sheet has 50 questions, of which you will need to get 40 correct to score a passing grade. There is no reason for you to stop there though! As the test is completely free to use, you can keep re-taking it until you get a perfect score if you want to. Once you can score 45 questions correct without too much reliance on the study aids, you might want to try our permit test Simulator – which comes without any study aids at all!

The questions on this test will change every time you re-start it, meaning you’ll always be tested on fresh general knowledge topics. Join the thousands of students from Phoenix, Tucson, Tempe and all over Arizona state who are acing their CDL permit test first time, thanks to this brilliant 2025 CDL practice test!