
Alabama CDL Tanker Practice Test (AL) 2025

Tired of reading the drivers book? Take a break, take a free Alabama tanker test, take a ride to the DMV, pick up your CDL!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 3 drivers

Alabama Tanker Endorsement Test Facts

  • Questions: 20
  • Correct answers to pass: 16
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: DMV Offices
  • Test languages: English
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Alabama drivers manual Drivers Manual

If you are considering applying for a job as a tank-truck driver, you will need to make sure you hold all the necessary CDL endorsements first. Which endorsements a tank-truck driver needs will vary quite a bit from case to case, based on the type of liquid being transported and the size of the vehicle in question. However, one license endorsement is common among all tank-truck drivers in the state, which is of course the Alabama tanker permit – you cannot operate any type of tanker vehicle without this qualification! Learning everything you must know about tanker vehicle operation and getting ready to sit the N endorsement exam can be achieved quickly, with the CDL tanker practice test for Alabama drivers on this page.

For the detailed break-downs of every Tanker Vehicles endorsement test topic you need to work with this DMV practice tanker test, download your free digital copy of the tanker vehicles permit test study guide for commercial drivers from the DPS website. That guide will teach you all about the specific challenges of tanker vehicle operation, the rules and regulations you must know to drive one and various other important topics. By targeting these topics with authentic DMV test questions, our Alabama tanker endorsement practice test will improve your retention of the information and help you to develop a more in-depth understanding of the material. Most students also find that using our Class A and Class B practice test Alabama quiz in conjunction with the permit book allows them to stay focused and study efficiently for a longer period. When studying is as fun as it can be while working on this Alabama DPS CDL practice test, you are bound to learn all you must know quite quickly!

So, what kind of information do tank-truck drivers need to know before getting behind the wheel? You will need to understand the risks associated with high-sided tanker vehicles so that you can avoid rolling your truck over on corners and bends; this danger generally increases the fuller your tank-trailer becomes. Partially full tanks carry dangers of their own, as the surge of liquid towards the front of the vehicle when braking can cause it to continue moving after coming to a stop. Our Alabama tank practice test 2025 quiz will pose you questions relating to these issues and every other discussed in the permit book, including liquid weights, maximum load, checking for leaks, emergency procedures and much more. In accordance with the multiple-choice and “true or false” format of the questions on the real Alabama CDL tanker test, each question on this quiz will be presented alongside two or more possible permit tests answers.  To help build-up your confidence and improve your ability to answer correctly, our CDL Alabama practice test will offer immediate feedback each time you enter a response. In doing so, the correct solution will always be indicated, and some comments offered that will assist you when tackling similar questions in future.

Before you begin whipping your knowledge of tanker vehicle operation into shape with this tanker vehicles endorsement practice test, you must have passed the CDL general knowledge Alabama exam and any compulsory Class B or Class A endorsement exams associated with the size of tanker vehicle you wish to drive. We provide free CDL practice tests for the endorsement permit tests and a highly-effective Alabama CDL general knowledge practice test for the opening assessment. You may also want to check out our hazmat quiz, as a hazardous materials qualification is needed to transport harmful liquids such as corrosive chemicals and gas. Best of luck!