
Virginia DMV Practice Test (VA) 2025

Make everyone jealous, nail the DMV test the first time with this awesome free Virginia DMV practice permit test!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 256 drivers

Virginia Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 35
  • Correct answers to pass: 30
  • Passing score: 86%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Test quirks: The permit test in Virginia has 25 questions on road rules and 10 questions on road signs. No mistakes are allowed on the road sign section of the quiz. Should an applicant fail any part of the exam, the entire DMV test must be taken again.
  • Based upon: Virginia DMV driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Virginia drivers manual Drivers Manual

Start getting ready for the Virginia DMV test by completing an introductory round of questions on our DMV practice permit test. This free quiz contains a varied selection of real VA DMV test questions and answers, covering rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals and everything else you must know to acquire a learner’s permit. The purpose of this Virginia DMV practice test for 2025 applicants is to introduce first time drivers to the type of questions they will be asked during the DMV permit test. You can also use the test to measure how much you have learned and track your progress with the VA driver’s manual.

As the general knowledge DMV test in Virginia and the license renewal exam are essentially the same assessment, this quiz is also suitable for experienced drivers who need to brush up on their road sign and road rule knowledge. If studying for the renewal license exam is your goal, you may also wish to check out our series of dedicated renewal DMV practice permit tests. For now, work through the 20 multiple-choice and ‘true or false’ questions on this DMV practice test VA exam, to see how much you can remember from your driver’s education. First time drivers do not have to worry about reading the driving manual before using this DMV Virginia practice test, as it includes some brilliant learner support tools to help you answer questions correctly. ‘Hint’ will generate a clue about the correct DMV written test answers, and ‘50/50’ will take away half the incorrect responses making it easier to guess correctly.

Do not feel you have to use our support tools if you would prefer to work through the question on this VA DMV learners permit practice test without assistance. It will take 16 correct permit test answers to pass the quiz, but it does not matter how long it takes you to achieve this score. Whether you work through the DMV permit test VA quiz twice, or dozens of times, it will always remain the same and be free to use. As we have tactically made the Virginia DMV license practice test shorter than the DMV test, it should only take you around five minutes to complete. Thanks to this handy little quiz, you can now fit in even more study time throughout the day!

To cover a bit of every subject included in the 2025 DMV written test, this quiz contains Virginia driving test questions and answers on rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals, alcohol awareness and every other core exam topic. There are only a few questions targeting each subject here, so you will eventually need to use a VA DMV written test practice quiz which explores road rules, traffic signals and other essential topics in more detail. Fortunately, you will not have to go very far to find appropriate tests! Elsewhere on, we also provide dedicated Virginia DMV practice tests which cover each major driver’s ed subject separately. Most driving students benefit from using our DMV practice test signs quiz to fine-tune their road sign knowledge – why not try it when you are happy with your score here? When you sit the real general knowledge DMV test, you must answer every road sign question correctly to achieve a learner’s permit.

All the information you need to work on our VA DMV practice permit tests can be found in the official driving manual. It is practically impossible to pass the permit test unless you have read the entire manual at least once, so be sure to get started on it when you have completed a few rounds on this quiz!