
Kentucky DMV Practice Test (KY) 2025

A super test for super dudes. Everyone else is welcome to this Kentucky practice permit test too!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 115 drivers

Kentucky Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 40
  • Correct answers to pass: 32
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Transportation Cabinet (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Based upon: Kentucky driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Kentucky drivers manual Drivers Manual

Click the ‘start’ button to activate a Kentucky DMV practice test for 2025 applicants that will show you 20 genuine questions from the general knowledge exam! The quiz is not timed, though most students find they can work through every question in around five minutes. As this sophisticated learning tool uses the same 80% pass threshold as the real KY DMV test, you will need to provide 16 correct DMV written test answers to secure a pass. However, there are absolutely no restrictions placed on how long you can take to reach this score. Furthermore, you do not necessarily need excellent road signs and road rule knowledge to stand a chance of passing! Unlike most online Kentucky practice permit tests, this entry-level quiz included study tools to assist you in finding the correct answers!

The study tools on this KY DMV practice permit test come in the form of two lifelines called ‘hint’ and ‘50/50’. Whenever you come across a challenging question which you cannot answer alone, use these lifelines to simplify the problem rather than taking time out to look up information in your driver’s manual. The ‘hint’ feature will bring up a short clue about the correct solution when activated, to provide you with a little more information and a nudge in the right direction. Alternatively, participants can dramatically improve their chances of guessing the correct answer by activating the ‘50/50’ tool, which will remove 50% of the incorrect responses. Though first-time drivers will not have access to this support during the real Kentucky DMV test, you should not worry about leaning on it here. Our KY DMV written test practice quiz has been designed to help you find all the correct answers as quickly as possible, thus shortening the time it takes to get ready for the permit test.

Kentucky DMV practice tests are not a compulsory part of the revision process in the same way as the official driver manual. However, applicants who regularly work with DMV KY practice test quizzes while working through the manual generally stand a far better chance of passing the assessment during their first attempt. The driver manual is packed full of useful information, detailed explanations and great images, though it does not contain very many self-assessment questions. With our Kentucky permit practice test to make up for what the permit book lacks, you can track your progress with the study material and get used to answering real permit test questions. By challenging your knowledge of road rules and road signs as you go along, you will reinforce what you have learned, clear up any misunderstandings and end-up in a stronger position on the day of your Kentucky DMV permit test. Plus, taking regular breaks to complete our quiz will make the process of studying for the assessment much more fun!

This beginner-level rules of the road and road signs quiz is not the only self-assessment tool you will need in the run-up to the Kentucky permit test. The real permit test contains twice as many questions as this DMV practice test KY quiz, and they may address slightly different material. As the 2025 DMV written test is randomly generated, students must gain experience with as many different questions as possible. If you work through every KY DMV learners permit practice test we provide before sitting the assessment, you should have answered a wide enough variety of questions to deal with anything that comes up on the exam.