
Virginia DMV Driving Signs Test (VA) # 2

Kind of an important one. Spend some time learning signs with this Virginia DMV road signs test or be sorry at the DMV!

  • 20 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 4 Mistakes Allowed
88% of students found this test helpful!
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Rated 4.4 out of 5 by 188 drivers

Virginia DMV Signs Test Facts

  • Questions: 10
  • Correct answers to pass: 10
  • Passing score: 100%
  • Test locations: Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
  • Test quirks: The permit test is divided into two sections - road rules and road signs. The Virginia DMV signs test portion of the exam has 10 questions. All road sign questions must be answered correctly.
  • Based upon: Virginia DMV driver's manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Virginia drivers manual Drivers Manual

This VA drivers license practice test contains 20 real road signs test questions from the DMV database! Working through this free DMV practice test will show you what road signs are on the Virginia driving test and more importantly, how challenging it will be to answer questions correctly. Of the 20 multiple-choice and ‘true or false’ driving signs test questions on this quiz, 16 correct permit test answers must be provided for the participating student to be awarded a pass. This is somewhat easier than the real DMV permit test, during which all ten road sign questions must be answered correctly. Even so, identifying how drivers should respond to common road signs can be tricky! To help you out, our team have built two brilliant lifelines into this learners permit practice test VA signs quiz.

Feel free to use our lifelines as often as you like throughout the DMV signs test quiz. Clicking the ‘hint’ button will bring up a helpful hint about the correct solution. If you still are not certain which of the optional answers is correct, click the Virginia driving test practice quizzes ‘50/50’ button to instantly remove some of the incorrect solutions. These tools can help you answer even the most challenging road sign test questions correctly, as they are all either multiple-choice or ‘true or false’. Like the questions on the real DMV signs test VA exam, our questions will either ask you to choose an image of a road sign to match a given meaning or choose the appropriate meaning to match a sign. Using a VA drivers test practice quiz to support your work with the road signs section of the driver’s manual is extremely important, as road sign questions are not always as easy to answer as many students assume.

The trouble with Virginia permit test signs questions is that they will often ask you to identify how a motorist should respond to a sign given current roadway conditions – which is not always straight-forward. Use our VA drivers permit practice test signs quiz to check what you have learned from the driving manual is essential, otherwise you may find out too late that you have not understood the information well-enough to pass the DMV permit test. Remember that you have no room for error where road signs are concerned, as every question must be answered correctly to pass the test.

This 20-question practice driving test for Virginia learners covers some of the most common regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs and work zone signs. You may be able to answer a few questions correctly without assistance, even if you have not yet read the study material! Once you have achieved a passing grade of 16 correct answers or more on this VA driving test signs quiz, you should move on to our rotating question road signs cheat sheet. That all-inclusive road sign test will generate a different set of questions each time you use it, to make sure every road sign you could be asked about during the Virginia DMV permit test has been covered.

It does not make a difference where you intended to sit the VA learners permit test, as the same pool of street signs test questions are used for the permit test in Richmond, Virginia Beach, Norfolk and every other city in the state! Wherever you are based, our 2025 DMV practice test Virginia signs quiz can help you pass the road signs portion of the permit test.